Swords and Castles

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hello bootiful human bean :P
Welcome to the first chapter of my first story on here!
I just had to go with a we bare bears book because im a huge fan of the show. 
i tried me best so if you spot any mistake let me know in the comments. Anyway enjoy the story and it would mean alot to me if you voted on it!

Every many months i come fix stuff up


It was a cloudless mid-morning in San Francisco.
Inside the homie cave the bears and Charlie were scurrying around, getting popcorn and fluffing  pillows to be the most comfortable possible, in order to binge watch some swords and castles. They got all cozy on the sofa and waited for charlie to sniff out his long lost cheeze poofies. Charlie came out with a large sized container of cheeze poofies, which only Charlie could just hold in one hand, and slumped down next to Panda, on the couches arm. Charlie unscrewed the lid and inhalded in the (to charlie)delicious, stale aroma, then stuffed his mouth fill of em.

"Everyone ready?" said Grizz.

Charlie let out muffled ''yes."

Ice Bear nodded. And with that Grizz hit play.

After over an hour of taking in mind-blowing plot twists and epic war battles came the boring scenes. Panda let out a lenghty yawn and drifted off, leaning onto Charlie's arm. Charlie blushed bright blue instantly and stiffened his back not daring to move an inch. This had caught Grizz's attention as he was just staring at Charlie already, wondering if he had ears.

Ice Bear being observant noticed in the corner of his eye no one was looking to the TV. He followed the brown bears gaze.

"Uh charlie?" "Is that you blushing?"  Grizz whispered.

Charlie was taken aback. And so he stumbled opon his words "uhm uh" He felt his getting sweaty and warm like he was in a sauna or saying a speech.
"Uh i gotta g-go... To the bathroom!" He finally said.

Then he carefully but speedly got up trying not to wake Panda. Charlie covered his face with his hands and ran to the bathroom.

"I just wanted to know why he was blue. Wait so Charlie has blue blood?"

Panda suddenly jolted up by a sudden crash coming from the tv. 

"Oh my gosh!!! The other clan attacked the castle? Why did no one wake me up?!"

"OH MY GOSH WAIT WHAT?" Grizz replied while fumbling for the remote to skip it back.

"Wait wheres charlie?" Panda breifly skimmed the room with his eyes.

Ice Bear dashed off to see charlie before anyone answered and
Grizz followed behind to avoid being left out.                                                                                                   "Err ok?" Said Pan then continued watching Swords and Castles, not having the will-power to pause.

Ice Bear knocked on the bathroom door and grizz was placed right behind him.
"...Who is it?" Charlie uttered.
Ice Bear slightly creaked open the door and they peeked through. There sat the what seemed stressed Sasquatch holding on to his knees and legs on the closed toilet lid. They both walked in and sat on the edge of the bathtub


Breaking the silence Charlie opened his mouth
"So i guess your right"
"Hm?"  Icebear said.

"My face went all warm when Panda leant on me... And a crazy buzzy feeling in my tum"
Grizz and IceBear looked at each other and looked back at Charlie with grins on there faces.

"Aww! Dude!" Grizz let out.

"What? what is it? Is there something wrong with me guys? Please dont take me back to the doctors."

"What? Naw man" Grizz explained that he has a crush on Panda and That's why Charlie blushed and got a thing called butterfly's.

"Ice bear thinks you would be great with Panda"
"Well even if i do have a crush Panpan he will never like me back. He's just to cool. "
The 2 brothers thought for a moment...
"OO i gotta idea!" exclaimed Grizz...

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