Chapter 2 - The First One

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That first night was the scariest one. The room was pitch black dark. But somehow, I knew I was in my parents room, on their bed. I was lying down at the edge of their bed, looking out into the darkness. My heart was racing uncontrollably. I felt scared out of my mind, and I wasn't entirely sure why.

My eyes were quickly shifting back and forth, my breathing fast, yet silent, and I felt so scared that I was paralyzed.

To my horror, I finally saw something appear from underneath the bed. A pair of glowing, red eyes. They illuminated the figure that they were attatched to. A unhealthily thin, black cat, with crooks in its ear, and crooked teeth sticking out of its mouth.

My eyes widened, my nostrils flared. What was I seeing? Was it real? Would I wake up?

The creature stared at me, as it was shaking. Its gurgled breathing made shivers go down my spine. My throat grew cold in fear of this cat. If you would even be humane enough to call it that.

It slowly lifted its disgusting, matted paw and shifted it back and forth at me. And if that wasn't enough, it began chanting. The cat began repeating the same word over and over and over again while taunting me with its paw.

In a scratchy voice that sounded like Gollum from Lord Of The Rings now that I think about it, repeated the word, "Ewe." over and over and over.

To me, this seemed to go on for hours. All I could do was lay and be tortured by this hideous thing. I finally conjured up enough strength to tightly shut my eyes.

When I opened my eyes again, I was in my own room and my own bed. Still paralyzed from fear, I just laid there. Pale moonlight shined in from my open curtains onto the green and white paint on my walls.

I was scared to even blink. My nose suddenly began to itch. Great. I thought.

To scared to move, or do anything, I did what any scared child would do. I screamed. I screamed at the top of my lungs and I kept on screaming until my mother came into my room.

"Sweatheart, what's the matter?" she asked as she rushed to my bedside.

I just stared at her, expecting her to obviously know the reason why I was screaming. I'd had a nightmare. About the cat that had scratched and hissed at me that day.

"Honey?" she asked again. "What's wrong?"

I continued to stare at her as I burst out crying.

"You had a nightmare, huh?"

I nodded my head. She picked me up and took me to sleep in her room.

That night, I was scared to fall asleep again. I slept between my mom and dad, staring at the ceiling. I can't exactly recall it now, but I swear that I remember hallucinating.

On the ceiling, I swore I saw a parade of cartoon birds and small woodland animals. Only, it wasn't a real parade. It looked more like a picture that was simply sliding it's self across the ceiling. It didn't frighten me though, it seemed to comfort me.

Of course a five year old wouldn't think about it at the time, but perhaps that false parade was the last of innocence in my dreams I would ever see. Something that represented that my childhood free of fear was ending.

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