Chapter 21

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"Ah stop." I screamed.

Russel didn't even acknowledge my pleading. He just kept tickling me like I was some small kid. As self defense I bit him which caused him to jerk back.

"Ouch." He pouted.

I took the chance of being tickled free and rushed up off of the couch. Ha, got him there.

Now some may ask why we are fooling around while being the only food source for the vampires except blood bags. Well, no vampires can really boss us around or we would leave. Surprisingly the king has even held himself back. My guess is because Rexton would cause hell. It's one of his rules not to harm humans.

I've been scared that would change because they are going to run out of their food source soon and Russel and I are kind of the only humans here except one chief. She loves to cook and she had explained to me and Russel other reasons why she stayed. She had told us 'I am only going to be caught again by a monster or I will be homeless'.

That is a good reason. Meanwhile I am staying for a guy and I dragged Russel down with me. That will be one of my most selfish moments even if it wasn't my choice.

"What are you thinking about?" Russel asked.

I sighed knowing I was going to bring the mood down. "I'm just sorry that I kept you back from leaving."

"It was my choice and believe it or not I just wanted to be with you." He voice was very caring. "We are a good duo."

His words caused me to smile. I already knew he is like my crime buddy, but his words just make it more official.

We fooled around a little more before I went to Zayden's room. His father has kept him busy doing nothing. Scratch that he's been trying to find a way out, but it's pointless. He finally got to be alone with me and I plan to enjoy it.

If I stayed here I am going to make it worth it. So, without saying anything I grabbed the remote and cuddled up to him on the bed.

I found Netflix on the screen and picked out a funny movie because why not. Zayden wrapped his arm underneath my side to let me cuddle more into his perfect body. I accepted the sweet gesture happily.

The movie started and we watched in silence. That something I always have liked about us. We don't need to be talking all the time around each other. We can let the quiet consume us together.

I decided the silence isn't exactly what we should insure right now. I mean there is a movie playing, but talking is also something I feel like I can do with Zayden.

Out of nowhere I say, "I miss my parents."

Zayden gives me a look of empathy. Crap, I should have not bring up parents considering his mom died.

"If the witch, Rexton can really bring my mother back I need to find a way to contact him." He said and started to play with my hair.

I enjoyed his hands twirling my curls so much that I hummed in contempt. That made him chuckle, but he continued to play around with my hair. Which I love.

"At least I have no more stupid prince formals to deal with now. I absolutely couldn't think of being with someone else when any thing living left in me leads my heart to you. I can't even imagine getting married to some quirky blonde."

Despite the butterflies in my stomach from his words I giggled at his last sentence. Truth is I couldn't imagine it either. Him and I are soulmates in my head.

My body then felt the urge to leave the room. Its weird because I just started to sit up in Zayden's bed without thinking about it. I then got up and started walking to leave the room.

"Um okay, I guess I will just follow you" Zayden said from behind me as he got up to.

I started walking in the hall not knowing where I was going to with Zayden following me. I kept walking until I got to someone else's room. What in the world am I doing?

"Fucking Markus." Zayden groaned out.

My body jerked as I was let go from the need to randomly walk. Of course Markus was behind this.

Zayden opened his door and went in. I followed him quietly inside the room and watched as he glared at his brother.

"Look don't start pouting. I needed to get you here to talk." Markus scolded.

"Oh and you couldn't just come to me?" Zayden raised his eyebrows. I tried not to laugh at his expressions even though it was definitely funny to see him act like a parent to Markus.

Markus rolled his eyes at his sibling then walked closer to us.

"I don't know about you, but I don't want to be stuck here. I have been coming up with different plans for us and I think I got something good." He patted Zayden's shoulder.

Zayden urged him to go on and I listened to his plan as well.

He started explaining it in a whisper, "We have to get mom's body from father and we need to get in contact with Rexton or wait for him to come by here."

Zayden looked at Markus as if he was crazy. "We would never be able to retrieve mom's body right now. Have you even payed attention to how ballistic father has been?"

"Hear me out okay. We will wait for him to get his shit together and then..." He stopped for a minute to look at me, " We use a distraction to get mom."

Zayden looked between us as he noticed Markus look at me. Then his plan settled in for both of us.

"Juliet will not be around him. Especially to be used as a distraction. I don't want to even ask what you are thinking Juliet will do to distract him."

Zayden was angered by even thinking about me being used in the plan. Me on the other hand, I think his plan to work. I just need to know what I would be doing as the distraction before I actually agree to it so I spoke up and asked.

"If we wait for the right time it will be perfect. At some point he will try anything to get out except hand over our mother. By that I mean he will try to follow the rules because we will run out of our blood supply. We all know we can't follow the rule because no vampire can hold back from drinking from a human after being starved, no matter how good their self control is." Markus started confusing me.

"Father would be put in a trance after even getting a drop of blood from her and we would have enough time to get mom."

Zayden scoffed and I shivered. I know Markus is right and I can't say it's a bad plan. I'd be scared as hell, but it's worth it. They can't be trapped here. They could starve to death and I can't have that happen to them.

"I'll do it." I mumbled.

Markus smiled at me. That's how I know it would be the right thing. Zayden's reaction was the opposite. I could tell his blood was boiling as he curled up his fists by his side.

"That is too dangerous she can die!" Zayden exclaimed a little bit too loudly.

Markus shushed him and gave him a mad look. Meanwhile I looked at the floor. I don't want Zayden to be angry at me for agreeing to it.

"She is going to be put in more danger the longer we are here anyways." Markus shrugged.

"She could leave anytime she needs to!"

"Ugh Zayden even she agreed to it stop being stubborn over a human life."

I don't know why, but it hurt my feelings to be talked about as if I was nothing. Even if it was something Markus said.

Zayden made a huff noise and rubbed his face in a stressed way.

Without knowing Shelby had came in here and she finalized the plan, "I will save Juliet from any damage enforced on her."

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