2) The Plan

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The Jackson family has been hiding something from the public and that's the fact that Michael Jackson is still every much still alive and well. Not just that but he has a Nine year old daughter named Pearl that lives with her mom. Pearl has no idea who her real father is but she does have a father figure her step-dad named Mark who her mother married a year after the day she was born, they didn't hide the fact that Mark is not Pearl's father and they told her even though Mark isn't her father doesn't mean he's going to treat her differently then a real father would treat their daughter. Mark sadly dead on October 15,2018 due to a heart attack.

In the Jackson house there was Michael and Prince watching a TV......but something was bothering Prince a lot lately and it was her unknown little sister. Michael did tell them when he found Heidi was pregnant, Heidi and Michael's relationship was a secret because he was already "dead" when they met and had Pearl and they both agreed that she should keep Pearl and don't tell her about him, he was also there but in a disguise when Pearl was born but had to leave soon after.

Prince couldn't take it anymore and had to tell his dad what was bothering him. " Hey Dad?" Michael looked at his first born "Yeah?" Prince took a deep breath "When can me,Paris, and Bigi get to meet Pearl?" Michael looked depressed and had tears in his eyes. "I wish I know she doesn't know we are her family let alone me being alive.....I don't even know if her mother will allow it to happen." Prince looked down but suddenly got a stupid idea. "What if I go to their house and just ask if I can hangout with her for the day I'm sure they'll let me" Michael sighed "How will this help Heidi to tell Pearl the truth about her family and me?" Prince looked at his dad like it's the most obvious thing in the world. "Once Heidi sees how much fun me and Pearl are having she'll slowly open up to pearl about her family and if she lets Pearl hang out with me more I can even bring Paris and Bigi." Michael sighed " Ok, but don't tell your siblings yet I don't want their hopes up just in case this doesn't work." Prince jumped up and hugged his dad.

The Next Day

"Ok, dad I'm going, are you sure this is their address?" Michael patted his son on his back "Don't worry that's the address Heidi has always told me where she lived in case of emergencies,your fine." Prince took a deep breath " Alright here goes nothing." and went to the address he had.

Pearl POV

I was doing my homework when the doorbell rang. "I'll get it!!!" I yelled running down the stairs, when I opened the door there was a guy with Brown hair looking down at me with a smile. "Hi, I'm Prince is Heidi your mom?" I looked at him confused, did he know my mom? "Yes do you know her?" he smiled "Yes he used to be great friends with my dad, and I need to talk to her about something." I nodded letting him in.

I led him to the couch and told him to wait there while I get Mommy. "Mommy there's this guy that's looking for you he said you were great friends with his dad and wants to ask you something." she said ok and headed into the living room with me behind her. Once we got there she looked shocked and frozen in place. "Mommy are you ok?" she finally moved and smiled down at me. "Yes sweaty I'm fine why don't you go upstairs and finish your homework while I talk to this young man, Ok?" I just nodded and waved at the guy before going upstairs.

Prince POV

Heidi looked at me with an expression that says 'Well...tell me what you want' I took a deep breath "I want to spend some time with Pearl..." The look on her face said that she doesn't want that so I explained. "Now before you say no I don't have to tell her I'm her brother and that Michael is her dad I just to spend sometime with her....all of us do" she sighed "No that wouldn't be fair for her.......tell her you and Bigi are her brother and Paris is her sister but don't tell her about Michael being alive." I smiled and hugged her. " I won't but dad is really depressed that he didn't get to bond with her and do father daughter things?" she smiled sadly. "I'll tell her when I think she's ready to know for right now don't say anything to her about Michael.....I'll tell her I promise just not now." I nodded respecting her answer. "Alright I respect that me and Bigi will pick her up tomorrow Paris can't come because she's on vacation, I have to go now but get her ready by 2 pm." she lead me out the door and waved goodbye as she closed the door.

Pearl POV

I was reading a book from class when someone knocked on my door and mommy entered. She came and sat down on the bed beside me. "That guy down wanted to talk to mommy is you brother his name is Prince and you have a sister named Paris also another brother named well Prince but everyone calls him Bigi." she said looking me dead in the eye.n "Isn't does the names of Michael Jackson's kids??" I asked so confused on what's happening. "Yes sweaty, but he's also your dad. We both decided that since weren't together anymore by the time of your birth, that I would keep you since we didn't want you to be in the spotlight." I looked more confused. 'But I thought he died in 2009 I was born in 2011??' I thought but didn't say anything and just nodded my head. "Now Prince and Bigi are going to pick you up at 2pm tomorrow so get ready and make sure you have your mask I don't want you getting sick." she said kissing my head. "Ok mommy, I love you." she hugged me. "I love you to, now finish your homework then get to bed." I just nodded watching her leave my room.

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