Ch.8: Fantastic Finally

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Rose P.O.V

It's summer again but this year it's different. This year my father has had a change of heart. This year I'm staying at Scorpius's house for a whole month! I got my N.E.W.T score by owl a couple of days ago and I can say that I'm very proud that all of that studying has paid off. I got O's in every single class except for Transfiguration, I have particular difficulty in that class but I passed with an E! Scorpius showed me his score and every single class had E's except for Defence Against the Dark Arts and Potions which both had O's. I'm very excited to be able to try and train as an Auror, and Scorpius is just as excited. Draco, Scorpius's father, told Scorpius and me that not many witches and wizards have the stomach to be an Auror and that we should take our training seriously to be the best. I couldn't have agreed more. Scorpius is angry about it but this year Gryffindor won both the Inter-House Quidditch Cup and the House Cup. Lily and Albus suggest that I play Quidditch professionally but I don't really want to, and there isn't really a team that has space for me. I think the funniest thing that happened this week was when Scorpius and I were snogging and I had aroused him so much that he had admitted to wanting to shag me. I had laughed it off but he was seriously embarrassed. I assured him that sometimes I wanted to pull him to the nearest broom closet in shag him as well, which he found funny. Right now Scorpius and I are using our phones to text each other even though we're sitting right next to each other. He uses emojis way too often and it makes his messages cute yet annoying.

Rose_Gryffindor: Can you stop using so many emojis?
ScorpiusInSlytherin: Are we Aurors yet?👀🥸🧐
Rose_Gryffindor: No
ScorpiusInSlytherin: There's your answer🤪😉🥳

I look up from my phone and tap Scorpius on the shoulder.
"We've got to sign up to be Aurors one day, " I point out. He nods in agreement.
"You know I am really glad that we solve this problem between your father and mine, " I say looking up at him, "I would've hated to let you go, " I add. He smiles and kisses my cheek.
"Rose! Master Scorpius! Dinner is served!"
"Well, we'd better listen to the house-elf!" I say happily. Scorpius nods his head and we head downstairs for dinner.

Scorpius P.O.V

I'm still upset by the fact of Slytherin didn't win at least the Inter-House Quidditch Cup this year, I mean we did so well! Somethings that I'm not upset about, my school grades, the fact that I'm spending more time with Rose this summer and that we're going to sign up to train as Aurors together. One thing that I'm definitely not upset about is the fact that Rose's father is totally alright with me hanging out with her, just as long as I don't hurt her feelings or do something embarrassing to her. I'm really glad about a lot of things actually, none of this fight between me and her father has disappeared, I'm really starting to be able to enjoy her family and what they do. Sometimes when we invite them over, Molly Weasley likes to hang out in the kitchen with our house-elf and baked goods, our house-elf always says that it's the best thing ever. My father is trying to support the Weasley's financially since some of them haven't got quite high paying jobs at the Ministry. He likes to joke that it's him trying to be remorseful for what he's done to their family, but I just think he's trying to be nice. Roses told me a couple of her fashion tricks like if it's a party wear something fun. If it's a wedding wear something formal. If it's a get together wear something semi-formal or casual. It's so much too complicated for a boy like me to keep in my head. It's nearing the month that I get to host Rose at my house. Her father said that directly after she'll have to come home and stay there for a couple of weeks before I could come over for a month. I'm so glad that I've found her and have her as my one and only. If her father hadn't agreed and flipped over his new leaf, I don't know how I'd live without her. She's my everything and she's much more than just a girl I love. Whenever I'm with her it feels magical, like she's casting spells left and right without even having to raise her wand. She makes me feel safe and at home, like I belong.

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