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third person's pov

the next day

at times mattia felt like y/n doesn't trust him when he say everything's fine. and he didn't blame her. he was engaged to another woman literally a couple days ago but he didn't love her the way he loves y/n, he never has.

"i love you," he randomly said. "you know that right?"

she scrunches her face. "yeah.. i love you too."

he planned on taking her out tonight but he just didn't know where. then an idea popped into his head.

"we still going out tonight?" he asked.

"yeah but you should stop by the warehouse and finalize some things. your return changed a lot of stuff."

"yeah i know i will," mattia nodded. "hey, don't worry about the prophets okay? we'll find a way to take them down." but little did he know she already had a plan. "then we can finally focus on our wedding." he walked up to her kissed her forehead. "cause i can't wait until i'm finally married to you."

y/n smiled and kissed him back on the lips. "me too." she turned around to look through a couple files when mattia grabbed his hips and thrusted playfully. "stop."

"i did not need to see that," hector covered his eyes as he walked in with bryan.

"sorry, i was recreating last night events," mattia smirked.

"and now i have an inappropriate image of my boss in mind," bryan frowned.

"it's like a 17 year old trapped inside a grown ass adult's body," y/n roll my eyes.

"y/n can i talk to you?" hector asked. "alone."

she put down her files and followed him to another room. "what's up?"

"i think your plan is stupid and mattia would have my head if i ever let you go through with this," he said.

"shh keep your voice down," y/n whispered. "and it's not stupid if it actually works."

"you wanna pretend to join the prophets so you can steal all their info," he replied. "do you not see how that can go wrong?"

"once i get the chance, i'll email you guys about all the information i find. if we release the info then every mafia in the world will know their weaknesses," y/n explained. "we'll have leverage."

"and what are you bargaining?"

"they leave jersey, never come back or else i'll send the info out," she answers.

"what if he catches you and kills you before we get the info?" hector crosses his arms. "then we lose you for nothing. again, mattia will have my head."

"so i won't get caught."

"y/n this is too risky."

"who's in charge around here? me," she reminds him. "this is my decision and i'm going through with it. i'll talk to vincent at the ball. once i'm in their facility, then you can tell mattia it's all an act."

"tell him now."

"knowing mattia he'll keep me hostage here and lock me in a room. he's done it before," y/n says. "at least when you tell him after he can't do anything about it."

"the ball is in 5 days, you better get your shit together and put on the greatest show of your life. i'm talking about top tier acting," said hector.

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