|| 15. Best of Me, Goddess of Calamity

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----- Dead Apple : Without Me
|| 15. Best of Me, Goddess of Calamity

 Best of Me, Goddess of Calamity

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I said I'd catch you if you fall.
And if they laugh then fucked them all.

       OTONASHI'S spirit sighed. He can't do anything but help you. "Change and fix your stance!" He ordered. You also obeyed. "Look at your opponent eyes and don't take your eyes off!"

       You suddenly felt cold wrapped around you. "You're weak against fast and long range attacks so follow your instincts," a whisper in your ear made you shiver. "Focus," he ordered you again.

       'Use that technique to break the heart in your head!'

       "The heart in your head," you said softly. You saw the crystal on the forehead of your shadow. "Don't be afraid. Don't let that feeling contaminate your heart. Now," you tightened the handle of your sword. "Attack her without hesitation! Don't be afraid of death!"

       You immediately jumped back and stood on the guardrail. You threw your sword away and took your gun. Without a definite aim, You pulled the trigger.

       CLICK! BANG!

       "Is the bullet's spin strong enough to destroy the crystal?" You asked to yourself, who was struggling because of exhaustion.

       The crystal broke along with the shadow that disappeared. You can feel yout ability cameback into your body.

       "My ability, Goddess of Calamaity : Angel of Death!" The wings made of many knives immediately formed. You spun like a ballerina because you were happy and showed your wings to Kaori and Otonashi.

       "How beautiful," said Kaori. "What a beautiful pair of wings! It protect its master and kill anyone who touches it." Praised Kaori.

       "What's next, milady?  Our voices will accompany you." Said Otonashi.

       "Is it fine?" You asked.

       "Hm!" Kaori replied confidently. "Hatsu-chan isn't half-helping you. She wanted us to accompany you until this conflict is over." You think for a moment.

       "Then, we head to the headquarter now!" You said already like a true boss.

       "Yes, ma'am!" Said Kaori with a happy tone.

       "Don't be so happy! Your ability also don't get carried away into the afterlife world, not like my sister." Otonashi nagged.

       You smiled. Once again you looked at the high-rise tower in the center of Yokohama. "Dazai, what are you thinking about? What are you doing now?" You asked yourself. You flew away from that place alone - with the spirits of your two bestfriends.

       Something that has left will never come back. But, before you completely lose him, you will take him back.

 But, before you completely lose him, you will take him back

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A/N : Chuuya (Short) Chapter asdfghjkl. Again, please enjoy it guys, I LOVE YOU~!

You guys are too shining for me, unhappy without u~

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You guys are too shining for me, unhappy without u~

Headline Picture from Pinterest

Dead Apple : Without Me
July, 2020

- Dead Apple : Without Me || D. Osamu - [END]Where stories live. Discover now