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Coming back early from college Mini had decided to spend some time at the park to soothe her nerves. Though it had done the magic, as soon as she saw Ragnik her mind again started to explode with anger and irritation. College was already a pain for her while this sudden project of an international documentary filmmaker making Bose Villa the subject became an additional headache. She didn't protest when Ela had shared the idea as she too was desperate to bring an end to the torture but if Shomak worked on the project it would mean that philanderer piece of shit would join as well, which Mini would strongly disliked.

He had tried to approach her just a second ago but she quickly went inside the house ignoring that rake. She didn't want that man anywhere near her.  Ragnik Sanyal simply irked her.

Closing her eyes she practised the breathing exercise that she had seen some of her college mates doing whenever they got tensed or scared. Keeping the shoes neatly inside the shoe rack Mini called Ela. 

There was no reply. She checked the wall clock. It was almost 6 pm. Ela would never remain outside at this time. "Maa, Oishi? Ela di?" the urgency and fear were evident in her shaky voice as she called every member of her family.

"Where are you all? Please don't scare me!" if they weren't answering to her desperate calls it would only mean one thing. She was all alone at the house.

Mini panicked and kept calling Ela. Her elder sister can never leave her alone under the same roof where that thing was constantly torturing her. But where was she? All negative thoughts started to cloud her mind. She started to shiver in fear and called Ela again, yet there was complete silence. Her own voice echoed inside the house.

Not being able to bear anymore she started to run upstairs. Within seconds a short fat man in worn-out clothes appeared above the staircase blocking her. Colours drained out from Mini's face. She held the railing firmly.

The man saw her through hollow eyes. As soon as she started to take one step back he raised his hands and slapped Mini so hard that she couldn't keep her balance and fell from the stairs. A sharp pain shot up as her elbow hit the floor but she didn't wince rather glared at the man who now walked down the stairs moving towards her.

He pulled her up gripping her hairs tightly. Mini cried in pain still glaring at him. She tried to fight but couldn't. "Prabhu won't be very happy," his croaky nasal voice came out as a dark warning that ran a chill down her.

The man would have thrown Mini's weak body against the wall but the sudden knock on the main door stopped him. He had all the intention of beating her up like everyday before his prabhu appeared. But first, he needed to get rid of whoever trying to interrupt. He released her and Mini supported herself by holding the railings.

He opened the front door and Mini saw Ragnik standing at the entrance. He noticed her frail form and frowned. Mini's eyes widened in a sudden tension that what if he finds out, then the thing in this house will kill him as well. She went very stiff and stood straight. No matter how much she hated him he cannot let him face that thing.

"What do you want?" the man asked Ragnik. His voice felt very strange to Ragnik but he ignored. The man looked to be a servant so without paying much attention he turned back at Mini. She looked in pain, there was a faint line of blood beside her lips. Keeping his eyes fixed on Mini he enquired about Shomak and Ela. Instead of Mini, the man spoke. He informed they were at the playground. But before Ragnik could enter and talk to Mini the man closed the door on his face. He was startled and felt insulted. Clenching his jaw he left muttering, "why do I even care what's wrong with that ill-mannered girl!?"

Shomak's car keys were hanging inside the car. He might have forgotten. Good for Ragnik, he couldn't wait to leave the neighbourhood. Getting inside the car he saw Phalguni and Oishi rushing towards the house, through the rearview. He quickly started the car and left. He had enough drama for one day.

Sun, Moon & Stars Volume I Horror Of The MuskWhere stories live. Discover now