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Ragnik woke up hearing the little whimpers. The space beside him was empty. Mini was not there in the bed. Switching on the bedside lamp he checked the square clock on the wall. It was past midnight.

He noticed the sound was coming from the bathroom. It was too late to wake up Phalguni and even if he tried Nishi had informed they wouldn't wake up before morning. Anyways, God knew they haven't slept for months. The least he could do was give them the much-needed peace.

He got up and knocked on the bathroom door. "Mini?" he called.

Hearing the knocks Mini's low cries immediately stopped. She gulped. She didn't mean to wake him up but it was paining a lot.

"Mini, what's going on?" he asked. Yet, no reply. Irritated, Ragnik was about to give up. Going back to the bed he saw the small spots of blood on his bedsheet. He immediately went and knocked harder on the door, this time adamant to get a reply. "Mini, are you dressing your wounds?" Looking at the spots he assumed the dressings might have come off, hence she might be trying to clean it.

After repeated knocks, she didn't reply. He checked the knob, the door was locked. This was exactly why Ragnik hated girls like Mini. Naïve, stubborn and always rude.

He thought of letting her be and go back to sleep. But whenever he remembered Mini's eyes he felt terrible. Releasing a frustrated breath he gave one last try, "Your mother and sister are asleep, so that leaves only me."

"Come on Mini, be bold and act practically. I am not a frustrated rapist who would pounce on you. So let me help," he added.

She debated for a moment as her hand held the knob. She didn't want anyone to see her in such a vulnerable state, certainly not this man. Biting her lips she struggled to decide.

The sudden hard knock on the door again startled her.

"Listen, I have a spare key, either you open the door or I'll open it from outside."

She quickly rubbed the trace of tears from her face, then taking a deep breath turned the knob opening the lock. Ragnik waited as he heard the sound of the knob. Pushing the door slowly after a minute he walked in.

The first thing he noticed was the bloodstained pieces of cotton scattered around the basin. "I'll clean them, don't worry," Mini said as she followed his gaze. He looked around and saw Mini sitting beside the bathtub. Her clothes almost soaked in blood.

He shook his head and decided not to debate with her at the moment otherwise his head would explode. "Take off your clothes," he said taking out the first-aid kit.

Mini was still sitting idle. Her face looked flushed, tiny drops of sweat appeared on her forehead. He tried to keep himself calm but around her, all the only emotion remained was anger. "Mini, why do you need me to repeat every word?"

She sighed. Ragnik was not accustomed to hear refusal. Moreover, in her condition, she needed help. Her elder sister was not here and her mother was asleep in the next room. She had gone to check but didn't want to wake her up. She needed the rest.

Keeping aside her inhibitions she started unbuttoning her shirt. It hit Ragnik that she always wore full sleeves shirt with long pants. Her baggy clothes hid her skin well. Not to forget the dull colours she chose for avoiding any kind of attention. He did guess that she was an introvert but the reason he learned much later.

It felt more like a slow-motion effect. Had it been any other woman by now Ragnik would have torn open the material instead of waiting. Patience was not a word found in his dictionary. However, with Mini, he needed that patience, a lot of it.

Sun, Moon & Stars Volume I Horror Of The MuskWhere stories live. Discover now