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Nihar was in a very happy mood. He kept on praising his son and informed Sudha how well he had managed the new projects. He announced he would throw a big party on the occasion of Shomak's birthday and would also declare him as the new chairman of Satyaki Films.

"Have you spoken to him about this Nihar?" Sudha asked. They both looked at Shomak who hadn't touched his breakfast yet and just toyed with the fork. "Young man, you must eat healthy to keep up the hard work," Nihar instructed. Sudha rolled her eyes, "Oh Shut up Nihar! Shomak, are you okay with the grand party?"

When Shomak didn't answer she shook him hard. Shomak was startled and looked at his parents with a confused look.

"What are you thinking Shomak? We are speaking to you and you are not responding. What's wrong?" Sudha held his arm with concern. She was worried about Shomak. Ever since he agreed to look into Satyaki Films' projects he was behaving very oddly.

"Your father wants to announce you the new chairman of Satyaki Films," Sudha said slowly. He didn't speak. Whatever his mother said didn't penetrate his mind for it was already occupied by some other disturbing facts.

Nihar coughed, "okay Sudha, leave him alone. May be its too soon. Take your time Shomak. We will have many other occasions to announce. But for now, enjoy. However, I am not changing my mind about throwing that party. My friends too deserve a treat!"

On usual days Shomak would have strongly protested and opposed to the idea of celebrating his birthday in a grand style. He generally didn't like that kind of flamboyance and despite being moderately famous in the documentary industry he maintained low-key.

Hence, when he neither protested nor replied, his mother got a little suspicious. But before she could interrogate him her phone rang. It was from the hospital. She picked up and listened to her colleague. While discussing the case her colleague informed she noticed Nihar finishing his breakfast and leaving for work and Shomak looking unaffected by what was happening around him.

"Yes, I know Nishi very well. Take care of her friend and no need to worry about the charges," Sudha gave her instructions and disconnected the call. Nishi's name jerked Shomak back to the present. Hearing a part of Sudha's conversation Shomak asked, "Who was it Maa?"

"Now you suddenly start paying attention?" Sudha raised her eyebrows. "Anyways, your friends' friend was attacked by some dogs," Sudha informed. 

"I have to rush to the hospital, why don't you speak to Nishi?" she gathered some files and was about to leave.

"Maa wait, what - what's the name of the patient?" he asked holding his breath.

"Mini Malakar."

Though Shomak was a little relieved that it was not Ela, Mini's name too concerned him. But what was this dog attacks about? He called Ragnik and sharing the brief information he had got asked him to meet at the hospital.

Mini's eyes adjusted to the pristine white of the hospital room but she immediately closed it back when she saw the irritating face smiling at her.

"Come on, I am not that ugly," Ragnik joked.

"What are you doing here?" Mini asked.

"I have sent your sisters and mother to have a tea-break. Nishi and Shomak are speaking to the doctors so that left only me. Why gorgeous? Why do you hate me so much?" there were very few teenage girls who could resist Ragnik's charms and he couldn't understand why this brat hated him to this extent.

"You are not that lucky. So shut up!" Mini turned and tried to get up.

"I would not try that. You are badly hurt. Now, why would dogs attack you like that, were you fighting with them as well?"

Sun, Moon & Stars Volume I Horror Of The MuskWhere stories live. Discover now