He Falls Asleep

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__Masky__(I change reader's disability/illness/phobia to Personality Disorder Claustrophobic, PTSD, minor Paranoia)

A/N: This one is very out of theme haha, OOF.

(Y/n) swings the door to the Proxy's room open with her leg. Her hands full of documents. She always wonder why in the world are there so many paperwork for killers? And they're all people's criminal records for bezillion of dimensions ranging from humans to demons and fairy alike. If not, they are NEWS and files about the creepypasta that got themselves spotted or about Zalgo.

Just as the door open she hears a loud 'BANG' from within the pile of papers. "Masky?" she calls out, thinking he raged and slam his hands onto the table. But her call receive no response.

She approaches the pile of paperworks slowly. Putting down the ones she just got on the table, making almost no sound. "Masky," she calls out again, this time in a softer voice. Then from behind all those papers, she sees the form of her boyfriend.

A pen in his hand, his face flat to the table. He obviously passed out from exhaustion. She winces when she remembers the loud bang from before. 'That must hurt,' she eye his forehead.

'How did he not wake up from that?' she wonders. She tap his shoulder lightly.

"Masky... Masky... Wake up, go sleep in your room," she tries to wake him to no avail.

"Tim," she shakes his body, but despite all her attempts, he won't wake up.

Worry starts building, all sort of thought surge into her mind. She take his hand and check his pulse quickly. Trying to calm herself down as to not miss the beat of his vein. When she feels it, she let out a loud sigh. Her heart almost dropped.

She gives him one more look before making her way to her room. The Proxies sleeping quarter isn't very far from the Proxies' study, so it barely took a few minutes. When she comes back, her boyfriend is still fast asleep. She draped her blanket on him and sit on a chair beside his.

She stretch her muscles and pick up a pen. Paperworks are not part of her job in the mansion. All she needs to do is stay on guard in the watch tower for 12 hours and shoot anything that doesn't belong in the area.

Today she only planned to read books or play the PS Vita she got from BEN. But she doesn't have the heart to do it anymore after seeing Masky. She starts working, a few hours pass by. The only sound in room being the ticking of the analog clock on the wall.

A wind brush over (y/n), making her look up to the source of it. The door is open and an unknown boy with short black hair and royal purple eyes enter the room.



They both stare at each other, not saying a word. Suddenly, he raises up his hand and something dark emits from it. (Y/n) pulls out her gun and starts shooting at him. The bullets barely grazes his skin. If anything, they seem to bounce back.

When he runs to her, (Y/n) is about to dodge. But then she remembers Masky that's sleeping just behind her. She put a defensive hand, her heart thumping loudly in her chest. As the male's hand is about to grab her, another hand grabs it.

Masky use one hand to hug (Y/n) and the other to stop the boy's hand. The boy stops in place, his stoic face unchanged. Expressionless and cold, his purple eyes seems to pierce through her. Those pupils soon turn to Masky's direction who is just behind her.

"She is the new Proxy," Masky answers coldly.

The lack of emotions in his voice reminds (Y/n) of when they first met. But it's obvious they know each other. (Y/n)'s shoulder tense and she lean herself closer to Masky. Masky too, in response hold her closer. When she takes a glance, she realizes in that short amount of time, he somehow put on his mask back on.

Creepypasta x disabled!reader scenarioWhere stories live. Discover now