Ch. 01. Loveless.

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"All I'm saying is," you state while walking into your classroom. "The exam for the hero course is dumb, and the course itself is overrated anyway."

"Says the one who could have gotten into the course with flying colours, but went with general studies instead," Shinso yawns out.

As you take your seat, you give Shinso a look, 'you-know-very-well-why'. Shrugging off the look, he takes the seat next to you. The majority of the lesson includes secret looks between Shinso and yourself, both trying not to laugh at the more ridiculous ones.
A knock rings throughout the classroom, "Come in!" Ectoplasm calls out. A brunette student in a gym uniform enters, for some odd reason, you're filled with a strong resentment towards her. "Aizawa-Sensei wanted me to get someone called.. (Y/n)?"

"Aizawa (Y/n), it seems you're wanted," Ectoplasm directs to you while looking back at the papers scattered on his desk.

"When aren't I?" you mumble, earning a chuckle from the lavender haired insomniac beside you. Grabbing your bag, you maneuver your way to the bubbly girl. "To the field, I'm guessing?"

She gives a cheerful nod, walking slightly in front of you. You're barely down the hallway when she opens her mouth. "So you're Aizawa-Sensei's daughter? You don't really look like him, are you adopted or take after your mother more? It'd be hilarious if you were adopted! Is he even old enough to have kids? Anyway-" You space out before you shut her up with your fist.
"Oh! Sorry! I've been rambling all this time, and I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Uraraka Ochako!"

"Lovely name, pink cheeks," sarcasm hugs each word. "Seems you have some questions, I'll answer the ones I actually heard before I tuned out. I am adopted, if you gotta problem with it, which it seems you do, you can take it up with my foot in your ass. He's in his mid-30's, not that old."

Her steps falter, allowing you to take her over. "Before you open your mouth to spew some delusional drivel, kindly keep it closed. Your voice is nearly as annoying as your personality." Her steps slow behind you. One to (Y/n), nil pink cheeks.

--+--        Time skip brought to you by Wombatsquid and her amazing stories    --+--

The closer you get to the field, the cooler the lock around your neck starts to cool down. 'So, whoever is my key, is in the hero course? This is bound to be interesting.' Excluding your cousin, everyone in your family cannot see the locks and keys properly. They can sometimes tell who's a couple from the colouration of them. 'Sho will be here, will that explodo-dork be there though?'

"What did you want, scruffy caterpillar?" a small portion of the students flinch at your words, you barely glance over at them as you walk closer to your adoptive father.

He sighs. "As I was saying. Just because someone may not be in the hero course, that does not mean they are unable to fight, Aizawa (Y/n) is a prime example of that. Should she ever want to, she could take the majority, if not all, of this class and come out with little to no injuries. Depending on how quickly she wants it over and done with, it could take less than half an hour or it could go on for hours."

"Is... Is that all you wanted me for?" You give the tired man a blank stare. "Did you just want me here... so that you could make a point?"

"Not just that," he grabs one of his jelly pouches. "Hizashi wants you to make Karaage* for dinner." Completely ignoring your blank stare at him, he continues on with the class.
"Do any of you have any questions for her before she leaves?"
(*Karaage - fried chicken)

"I do," a bust girl speaks up. "If you are able to do such a thing, why are you not in the hero course training to become a hero? That would be extremely beneficial to many, not to mention the countless villains you could put into custody."

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