Ch. 02. Enrapture

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 "Shoootoooooo!~" you cheer. Jumping on the males back, you pout. "You didn't come and say hi all week."

"Uhm, Todoroki? Y-you know them?" the brunette questions. 'Isn't she the one who stole me out of class for dad earlier? What was her name again... eh. She can't be that important if I forgot it.'

"She's my cousin," Shoto responds bluntly, before turning his attention to you. "(Y/n), you are warmer than you are normally. Were you using your quirk?"

"Some arrogant ass decided I was too stupid and weak to tutor English due to being in C."

"I see..." Shoto mumbles.

"Oh! I was planning on making soba for dinner, you wanna come over?" you question, already knowing that the promise of the soba will snare him.

"Fuyumi was planning on a 'whole family' dinner," Shoto scoffs. "So that bastard will be there..." Shoto ponders for a moment before giving his answer. "Why not? I don't see any harm in it."

Your eyes light up, yet dull when they gaze over to the positively fuming girl you've completely forgotten about. "We should probably head off then, neither Dad nor Pa are extremely patient."

"That is true... oh! Uraraka, wasn't there something you wanted to tell me?" Shoto directs his attention back towards the girl, who seems to have calmed down slightly at being spoken to.

While giving you a smug look, she attempts to speak to the dual haired male. "Yes! I wanted to tell you that I have fe-" her attempt was cut short by a tired voice calling out to you.

"(Y/n), let's go. Or you'll be walking home,' you turn your head towards to voice and spy a yellow caterpillar with legs.

"Coming! Also, Shoto is coming over for dinner!" you call back to him, turning your head back towards Shoto and now red with anger Uraraka. "We should go, it's quicker in a car, plus the quicker we get home, the quicker you can eat soba."

Shoto gives you a nod before briefly returning his attention back to the once bubbly girl. "Perhaps another time, Uraraka."

--+-- Timeskip brought to you by fluffy cats --+--

"I wonder how that flaming piece of shit reacted to me not being there last night," Shoto ponders out loud while the two of you walk into the school.

You stop in your tracks. "Please for the love of everything, tell me you let Fuyumi know that you were at my place the entire time."

Shoto halts his steps briefly. "I can't quite recall..."

You catch up to him quickly as he continues forward, shooting him. "You better hope you did, Todoroki Shoto, or I'm destroying your kneecaps."

"(Y/n), I need my kneecaps for class."

You give him a sweet smile. "I can always obliterate the crown jewels instead."

"The what?"

"Your balls, Shoto."

"Oh... I highly doubt you will."

"You also said that when we were thirteen. Remember how that turned out?"

Shoto takes a moment to recall the details of what occurred. You hear a small hiss from him, showing that he did indeed remember what happened. You don't even need to look over to him to know that his hands went instinctively to protect his genitalia.

--+-- Todoroki P.O.V. --+--

The ending bell sounds throughout the classroom, Cementos is, yet again, reminding us of the upcoming Sports Festival. 'Certainly not like I get enough reminders from my bastard of a father.'

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