Ghosts I've seen

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Sometimes I've probably missed it but these four times have been so obvious that I couldn't ignore them.

1. For this story I have to explain the set up of my hous abit. We have three doors, two lead directly onto our porches the third is the door that leads to the garage. At the time we had two dogs and one was a great dane.

This happened when I was about seven my mom, step dad, and me were going somewhere but before we left I went to make sure the dogs were okay in the garage. My mom's stairs are right by the garage door so when I turned around I could see straight up them. When I turned around to go out the other door, because I was a smart seven year old who didn't want to get trampled by a dog as big as Scooby-Doo, something caught my eye on my mom's stairs. When I looked back at her stairs I saw an old man just standing there. I rubbed my eyes and he was gone. We have an old house with creaky steps but there wasn't a noise.

I found out resently that my grandma's husband had died shortly before this happened and when I discribed the guy on the stairs to my mom it sounded like my grandma's dead husband. The weirdest part is that I have no memory of my grandma's dead husband even though he lived with us when I used to live with my grandma.

2. This happened shortly after I saw the first ghost it was night and I couldn't sleep so I was laying there and something just started saying my name over and over. You could argue that it could have been mom but the were no creaks and like I said before we have extremely creaky steps.

3. One time I was with my younger cousin at my grate grandma's when we started talking about our dead grate grandpa. I looked in the hall way leading to her bed room and I saw a man just standing  there, a different one from before. He looked younger then when he most likely died and I had never seen a picture of him but I just got a gut feeling that it was him. We stared at each other for a while when my grate grandma asked what I was staring at and I said "grandpa Abe is there" and I pointed to him. My grate grandma has a fear of ghosts even if it's her husband. Recently I learned that he along with my grate grandma's mom had died in my grate grandma's trailer years before.

4. This one happened more recently. My mom had just painted my room so I had to sleep down stairs everyone else was up stairs asleep and I went to use the bathroom but when I was going there I saw a shadow standing by the computer desk. I started getting a really bad feeling but I kept going until I got to the bathroom and locked the door. I thought someone had broken in so I grabbed the best weapon I could find, hair spray. I walked out but no one was there and nothing was missing but I still didn't sleep well that night. In the morning I told my mom and she said that it could have just been my step dad but the shadow had been a good 6 inches shorter then him. I know it might sound dumb but I haven't slept downstairs since that day.

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