jack - broken leg

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dorbyn & jachary



"Guys get in the car." Jonah groaned, rolling his eyes.

"In a minute." Zach laughed, running away from Jonah's outstretched arms.

The boys had been at the studio all day and it was time to go home, but the boys decided they'd pull a prank on the fed up Jonah and not get in the car.

"Daniel. Get in this car right now or I'm throwing away all of your apple juice." Jonah glared.

Daniel froze, slowly scanning the room where he saw all of the boys glaring at him.

"Sorry" Daniel mumbled, dragging his feet to the car.

"Daniel!" Corbyn scoffed.

"What it's my apple juice." Daniel whined, rolling his eyes at Jonah who had a smug smirk on his face.

"Corbyn get in or I'm giving away all of your NASA hoodies." Jonah said, narrowing his eyes at Corbyn.

Corbyn pursed his lips, avoiding eye contact with Jack and Zach as he scurried over to the car.

"Corbyn" Daniel mocked from inside of the car.

"Shut up Seavey, apple juice is worth far less than my hoodies." Corbyn scoffed, bickering with the other false blonde in the car.

"Don't you dare try it." Jack glared to Jonah who was staring at him and Zach thoughtfully. 

"Do what?" Jonah feigned innocent.

"Try to threaten us with your devious ideas." Zach narrowed his eyes and the oldest.

"Oh you mean like me saying if you don't get your ass in this car in 2 seconds I'm gonna push the emergency stop on the elevator next time we're in one." Jonah tilted his head.

Zach gaped at Jonah, he was at a loss for words.

"Yeah yeah keep thinking of a comeback on your way to the car." Jonah gestured for Zach to come closer.

Zach dropped his head, muttering an apology to Jack as he got into the car where Daniel and Corbyn were still engaging in their petty argument.

Jack glared at Jonah while Jonah glared right back at Jack.

"Jack Robert Avery get the fuck in the car." Jonah scolded.

"No" Jack replied.

"I will chase you." Jonah threatened

"You wouldn't" 

Jonah just flashed Jack a bright smile before taking off.

Jack, caught off guard, had barely any time to comprehend anything before he was face first with Jonah's back and his legs were thrown over Jonah's shoulders.

Jack kicked his feet, trying to squirm out of Jonah's hold.

"I'm gonna drop you head first into the concrete if that's what you want." Jonah snapped.

"No balls." Jack laughed.

Jonah huffed, throwing Jack into the car, making sure he didn't hit his head.

Jonah slammed and locked the door before going over to the drivers seat.

He took off, a frown etched on his face as he avoided looking at the rear view mirror where he knew all of the boys would be looking at him.

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