daniel - SA

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TW // SA

christian and tyler are featured in this, we're gonna pretend they live together 😀👍🏽

unedited !

the breeze felt cold against daniel's body. the wind of the starry night sending extra tremors down his frame. he wrapped his arms around his shoulders, goosebumps running along the long of his arms.

 he stumbled over his feet, the sidewalk next to him barely aiding him in walking a steady path. the boy blinked away the tears clouding his vision, huffing in annoyance every time they blurred back up with vengeance.  he constantly checked over his shoulder, his fearful eyes scanning the dark roads behind him as his lip trembled-his mind making up false scenarios to instill terror within his heart. 

the boy felt lost, confused. hurt. he didn't know why this had to happen to him, why out of  7 billion people in the world, his life had to be upturned so quick, so ruthlessly. he didn't know what to do now, where to go, who to go to, if he should tell, if anyone would believe him. 

he wanted someone to wrap their arms around him and promise him that he's safe now, that whatever happened wasn't his fault. but the thought of someone being around him, surrounding him, enveloping him with their warmth, feeling their breath around his skin, the memories, the fear, the pain, it'll all come crashing back. he'd be a wreck. he really doesn't want to be a wreck anymore. 

he walked aimlessly, letting his feet guide him to wherever he felt safe, though he didn't really feel safe anywhere anymore. he started allowing his mind to wander, thoughts swirling around-taunting him, scaring him. 

he wanted to be alone, bask in the depth of his dark thoughts, but he was scared what he'd do to himself if he was alone, what would be left of him if he succumbed to them. 

the boy stumbled, almost tripping completely over when the ground level changed beneath him. daniel looked up, his brother's apartment complex coming into view. how he got there he has no idea, but all he knew was that he needed his brothers right now, he needed them more than anything.  

the boy's eyes filled up with tears as soon as the building came into focus, messily stumbling up the stairs until he was in front of their door, his shaking hand coming up to knock. 

he heard muffled chatter behind the wooded frame, footsteps beckoning closer and closer to where daniel stand, trembling, terrified.

the door swung open, christian standing behind the door, his eyes widening at the sight of his brother behind the door. the brunette barely had time to speak before the blonde crashed into his chest with a sob, christian wrapped his arms around his brother, immediately leading him inside the house, letting the door fall shut. 

the boy lead daniel to tyler's room, pushing the door open with haste. the oldest brother turned around, quickly going over to wrap his arms around his baby brother. tyler shot a questioning glance over daniel's head at christian, but the younger brunette simply shook his head, worry filling his eyes. 

tyler gently lead the youngest boy to his bed, mumbling soft words of comfort into his ear.

daniel turned in tyler's hold, wrapping firm arms around his torso as the boy seemed to curl into him, using his body as protection from the world, seeking refuge in the warmth of his oldest brother. the oldest didn't mind, simply stroking the boy's hair back as tapping a steady pattern on the nape of his neck. christian sat down next to the two, taking daniel's hand in his his as he provided a second sense of security for the upset boy.

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