Chapter Two :Speak and Ye Shall Appear

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     A month after the soba debacle I still couldn't help but think about Bakugou Katsuki. Even though his attitude was a little, how do you say 'Je ne sais quoi?' I still thought he was kind of cute. Although he did seem brash and a little full of himself, he was more than that with all the stories Mr. Bakugou has about him and the fact he's trying to be a Pro-Hero.

He would have to be I guess. But it is a little weird how much Mrs. Bakugou would talk about him when she visits me over the past few days. She was always bringing up the fact that he was really a softie when you got past his shell. I think she even got Mr. Bakugou in on it.

Lost in my thoughts I walk into a wall my eyes screwing shut as I fall backward.

Hitting the ground my lungs struggled to breathe, compressed and it took me several minutes to notice that I wasn't alone.

A groan hits my ear and my eyes flash open to see Bakugou Katsuki. I inwardly groan and God why does 'speak of the devil and he shall appear' actually work.

"Nice to see you again, Bakugou-kun."

"Shut up, shitty girl." He got up off me and only somewhat surprisingly offered his hand to me.

"Thank you," I say, placing my palm in his. With a quick tug, he pulled me to my feet and the heavens were playing a cruel joke because I freaking stumbled into his chest. In our state of confusion, he held my back to steady me and in my shock, I made the mistake of looking up at him.

Jimmy Cricket! He's too pretty. Like how am I not supposed to gaze at him when he looked like a freaking model? Even his eyeliner is perfect. "Ah, sorry," I whispered trying to minimize my presence.

I pulled away to create some distance but he held me tighter instead. He seemed to realize what he was doing though and quickly released me. "Don't do it again, Stupid." I nod dumbly, distracted by his beauty.

I wave goodbye and quickly speed away only to notice him following me. I pause for him to catch up.

He cocked his eyebrow at me, "What do you want, extra?"

"I am not a side character. I want to know why you were following me so if anyone should answer that's you."

"Walking your ass home, what else does it look like?"

"Well it kind of looked like you were being a stalker but sure walk me home." I offered my hand to him and he scoffed but took it anyway. I couldn't help but smile. He glanced at me and clicked his tongue when he saw my face.

"So I heard from Mr. Bakugou that you wanted to be a hero? That's really cool."

"Shut up what do you know?"

"I also heard that you're aiming for Yuuei Academy. My sister and I are going there too." I peered at his face. Dang still disinterested. Fine, time for my ace. "Do you know that All Might is going to be teaching there?"

"What's it to you, bitch?" He said trying to fight the excited grin off his face.

"So you're aiming to be a hero like All Might then?"

"Of course I am he's the best fucking hero there is, shitty girl."

"Nah, I bet you'll be better."

And he spent the entire time walking me home talking about his hero and how he's going to be number one.

"Well, this is me," I quickly hug him, "Goodnight." I rush inside and try to calm my heart from how fast it's beating.

I look back outside and see Bakugou-kun still standing there with a blank look on his face. Laughing when I see him snap out of his stupor and accidentally let off a few firecracker-sized explosions, I walk away from the window and to my room silently. Jumping into bed I pick up a pillow from my bed and scream excitedly into it.

"Camellia, what is this I'm hearing from the plants?"

God, why does my family have to have a plant quirk?

"Well, Sage you see it might be because I was escorted home and I'm still alive." I shove my face further into the pillow.

With a tight grip, she pulled my pillow away. "Spill."

Mournfully, I lifted my head and cried for poor pillow-san in my sister's death grip.

With a sigh, I begin. "So you know how I've talked about my coworker's son before."

"Yes, now go on."

"Well, I met him the day you and Shoto visited as I was picking up the food."

"You met the sludge boy! Oh, this is great my day is made."

"Stop interrupting me."

"Right. Sorry."

"So as I was coming home today, I ran into him and he walked me home."

"Don't sell it short, I know there's more than that."

"Ugh. Have it your way. When I was walking home. We collided. He helped me up. We got to talking about UA and All Might. He was so excited about becoming the number one hero. Honestly, it was adorable to see him like that."

"On a scale of one to ten, how much do you think he's your soulmate?"

"Maybe like a seven? Should I ask Mrs. Bakugou for help?"

Sage deadpanned, "If you think he's your soulmate then yeah it's pretty obvious you should. Now go to sleep, loser."

[WIP] Cheri Bomb 🍒💣 Bakugou x OCWhere stories live. Discover now