Chapter Three :This Will Be a Nice Meet-Cute Story If He Doesn't Kill Me First

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a/n: I won't be posting for a while. Any updates that do happen will be on ao3 first.

Going to work the next day was nerve-wracking. Like how do I ask Mrs. Bakugou for help? Am just supposed to say 'Hi, I have a crush on your son and he could be my soulmate?'

The answer was yes. As soon as lunch started Mrs. Bakugou whisked me away.

"So, Mrs. Bakugou, I was wondering if you could help me with something," I rambled.

She gave a look and said, "You think Katsuki might be your soulmate."

"Uh yes? I mean I think so?"

"So here my plan is for you to play a song and I ask Katsuki about if he's heard anything from his soulmate recently. If it's the same song we can work off that assumption that you're soulmates."

"Uh. Ok, yeah that works great."

So for the next day, I put on my headphones and listened to my soundtrack on repeat. I was sure that if Bakugou-kun was my soulmate he might go insane. I winced thinking about his reaction if he was and hoped he wouldn't kill me for it.

Deciding I needed to clear my head, I opened my door and walked into my tiny training studio. When I first got it, I was surprised at the personal studio but they told me that it was because of my quirk. It made sense when I thought about it and was necessary to do my best.

I changed into my athletics and started stretching, moving into my routine.

Taking a deep breath I decide that today I would work on building stamina. Technically it was easy but I was still really new to dancing while singing so practicing a lot was necessary to do my best.

Not even ten minutes into my routine a loud slam interrupted my musings, "Wow, Bakugou-kun you really have a thing for abrupt entrances."

"Shut up, bitch. Stop playing that fucking music."

I couldn't help but smile up at him when he stomped over to me, "I'm sorry?"

"You better be fucking sorry. Just because you're my soulmate does not mean you get to play shitty fucking music."

Fudge the gigs up. Play it cool. Play it cool, girl.

"That's fair but my music taste isn't bad." Oh my freaking God how is that playing it cool. You know what its fine. I'll just work with it.

He glowered at me. Shrinking into myself I dig a deeper pit. "I'm sorry. It was just the best way we thought of to find out if you were my soulmate."

"Come here stupid," he said, opening his arms and pulled me in. I cautiously return the hug. He hugs me tighter and chastises me, "Don't fucking apologize for every stupid shitty thing."

Muffled in his shoulder I say, "Okay, you're right."

"Damn right I am."

"Ano, Bakugou-kun can you let me go, please."



"If you're gonna be my damn soulmate call me by my fucking name."

"Okay. That works for me." I loosen my hold on him and look up at him. "You have to call me Camellia then."

He avoided looking at me. "There's no need to tell me that shitty girl."

"You can't hide your blush. Look at how red your face is, Katsuki, "I sang, poking fun at him. "Your mother was right, you're a complete softie."

Yeah, that was a bad thing to say in hindsight, he only let me off because I was his soulmate. I don't regret it though because his face was priceless.

"Shut up. I ain't no damn softie."

"I don't know. I think I like how red your face is. It suits you."

Katsuki scoffed. "Turn off your shitty music."

"I can't do that with how tight you're holding me, you know." He released me and I did what he asked before he killed my radio.

Sneakily I took out my phone and opened my camera. Holding it up to Katsuki and me, I snap a photo and send it off to Mrs. Bakugou. Katsuki grabs my phone and gives me a look.

"Right. I will be back." I change out of my athletics for my casual wear and rush back out. As soon as I say I'm done he leads me out the door.

"Katsuki. Why are we leaving? I still have training."

"Look at the time idiot."

Okay then. Glancing at my watch for the time I groaned, "I told Sage I'd be home early to help with dinner."

"Don't fucking worry about it. They know."

Apparently, my confusion was evident because he just passed me my phone and I checked my notifications. Hm. Let's see there is Mrs. Bakugou who is very excited about the photo and Sage who just said," Good luck, have fun."

"Huh. Alright then. What's the plan, Stan?"

"I don't fucking know. Walk around or some shit."

"We should go to the park. There's a food stall there." Matching his pace we set off.

After getting lost once because Katsuki forgot I didn't know the area we found the park.

"Katsuki, you want the spicy pork, right?"


We stepped up to the stand when a loud buzzer went off. A man stepped out, "CONGRATULATIONS YOU'RE OUR 50th CUSTOMER OF THE DAY! AS A GIFT YOU GET A FREE MEAL VOUCHER! CAN WE GET A PICTURE OF THE LUCKY COUPLE?"

Consarn it all. Having no other option I hid behind Katsuki, obscured from view.

"No camera, please," I whispered to him.

"Yeah, I got it. I'm not fucking stupid." Turning to the man he waved away the camera and accepted the voucher.

Slightly stepping next to Katsuki when I felt it was safe, we got our food. He was rude to the shopkeeper and I tried to pinch him for not using his manners, failing miserably, I just held his hand instead.

"Walk me home?"

"Eat your food first."

I shrug and let go of his hand to sit on a nearby bench. I motion for him to sit, patting the spot next to me. Without another word he huffed and sat down.

"Thank you."

He eyed me, "for what?"

"Well, to be honest, I was nervous about meeting my soulmate. I didn't know what kind of person you would be." I paused for a second wondering if I should go on. A small smile graced my face when he motioned me to continue.

"My sister and I never really understood why our soulmate was our other half because when you have a twin they're already the other half of your soul, the person who knows you best. I was just worried all kinds of thoughts were racing through my head, like "what if Sage and you don't get along? What if our bond kills my bond with Sage?"

"Then you know I met you and those thoughts just went away. I don't know it's almost like your presence is calming. Which is weird to say when your family describes you as a ball of rage? Passion?"

I glance at him and he almost nods before narrowing his eyes at me," stop being so sappy Pitchy Bitch its fine now isn't it?"

Giving him my biggest smile, I turn back from one salvation to another.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2020 ⏰

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