fuck you ✫ b.b.

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»JARVIS, TELL EVERYONE dinner's ready!«, Rhodey yells as he excits the elevator and takes the few plasticbags full of take-out to the dining room, releasing them from his tired arms with a relieved sigh. 

You can smell the food from your room, as you run rushing towards your meal and lick your lips, your belly answering with a quiet rumble. 

»What did we say about fast food?«, a judgemental voice asks you and Rhodey from the kitchen, belonging to Steve, who surveys his dinner with a weird look in his eyes. 
You just scoff and shake your head in amusement. 

»You'll always stay the same, Rogers, old and boring«, you tease the blonde supersoldier and he rolls his eyes in response, a bright smile on his face. 
You don't bother listening to him in any way and carefully reach into the bag in front of you to pull out one of the famous white cartoon-boxes, hot as hell under your sensitive fingers, which holds the delicious noodles inside it securely. 
You bite your lip and hiss silently, before dropping the burning box onto the counter and reaching for the chopsticks instead. 

»Where is everybody?«, Steve murmurs and looks around, having a banana and some salad in his hands, avoiding the asian delicacy intentionally. 
Again, you shrug your shoulders and wander along the halls to gather all your teammates for the evening meal. 

»Mom says dinner's ready!«, you shout laughing from door to door, only to find a note from Wanda on her bedroom door, as well as one on Pietros, Thors and Natashas, saying they're all gone out for dinner and some drinks.
You sigh in frustration and curse under your breath. 
Family dinner's ruined. 
That only leaves you, Steve, Rhodey, Clint and Tony.
And the unforgettably handsome, quiet ex-soldier, who wanders through your mind from time to time in ways you would never commit to. 
You look at the only door left, closed shut and painted black.
He probably wouldn't want to eat with you anyways, but maybe he at least wants his food. 
You breathe in deeply and shyly knock on the door, but no answer.
Maybe he's asleep? 

»Bucky?«, you whisper through the wood, knocking once again. 
Still no response.
You frown, knotting your eyebrows, and grab the door handle, carefully pushing the door open. 

»Hello? Anybody home?« You flinch as you hear somebody clear their throat behind you, a slight shriek leaving your lips, before you turn around and face the tall, calm man in the dark. 
His blue eyes glisten from the weak moonlight that bathes his room in a silver glow, barely reaching him, only kissing his figure in some areas. 
His breath is calm and he looks at you with a questioning expression on his masculine, angel-carved face, raising one of his eyebrows. 
You swallow hard as you recognize that he is not wearing a shirt, but only a towel around his hips, revealing his dominant adonis belt. 
Some water is still running down his tanned, beautifully scarred skin, making you blink a few times before you speak again. 

»Uhm«, you begin, stuttering and quickly turning around, hearing him chuckle slightly, which is new to you, »Dinner's ready, if you want.«

»Thanks for inviting me«, he breathes against your neck, sending shivers down your spine and over your arms, before you hear him stepping away from you, »I should probably change then.«

»I wouldn't mind«, you tell him without even thinking about it, but as soon as these words left your lips, you hold your breath and nervoulsy, embarrassed to the core, wrap your own arms around yourself. 

»Oh, really?«, he laughs and you hear his towel dropping to the floor, closing your eyes now and holding your hands in front of your face, »Interesting to know, though.«

»Yeah, I'm just gonna go now«, you mumble into your hands, still hiding your face, heading to the door, before tripping over your own feet and hitting your head on the doorhandle. You groan in pain and instantly fall to the floor, still not opening your eyes. 

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