Presented her a ring

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I wake up the next morning feeling more rested then I have been in weeks. I take a long stretch as my eyes get used to the sun gleaming through the big windows. I breath in the fresh air and sigh deeply. I realise that where i am does not smell like my musty room. I jolt a bit and hastily look around with my slow adjusting eyes. 

When i look to my right a see a hunched over figure sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at something in his hands. When i start to push myself up, the figure turns.

'Oh- your awake' Edwards smiles as he looks into my eyes.

 'uh- good morning' I stumble, rubbing my eyes but i cant help but smile back. He reaches out and starts to rub my leg. 'How'd you sleep?' He looks better then he did, but in his eyes he still looks troubled. 'Like a baby' i reply, laughing a little and looking at him fully now.

I look down to him hand to see what he was looking at. It's a beautiful ring, a large oval covered in jewels that sparkle in the morning sun. He follows my eyes to the ring, his brows scrunch together. He takes him hand from my leg and starts to play with it again, I cant help myself from missing his touch. 

There's a pause before he speaks, never looking up from the ring. 'I planned to give this to her.' My heart sinks. The guilt i had felt before rises in me again. His face looks so pained, so conflicted. 'I planned to ask her to marry me. I was going to bring her here, get down on one knee, and present her the ring' 

'I'm sorry Edward' My voice cracks, my grip on the blanket tightens. 'I'm so sorry, I've messed everything up. You and Bella were going to be happy, we had an agreement, we had figured it out but me and my monstrous curse had to go and screw it all up.' Tears burn the back of my eyes. I stare passionately at my hand, trying hard not to let the tears slip out. I watch as his hand moves under mine and holds it tenderly.

'No, Jacob, this is not your fault.' I look up into his worried eyes.'Please don't blame yourself, this was never your intention and I know that. I just-' He looks away again, towards the window. 

'I love another. Everyday that passes my love for her slips and my longing for you grows in its place. And jacob.' He finally looks into my dark brown eyes again. 'I do have feelings for you and care for you. I know there's more there then the longing. And, i cant tell you how happy i feel to have you by my side.' He reaches out for my hair, as he tucks a lock of hair behind one of my ears and smiles.

The smile slowly dips into a pained half smile. 'But you must understand that I do miss her' His voice cracks on the last words. His brows crease and he starts to walk towards the window. 'She was my life Jacob.' He says sternly. I get up from the bed carefully, as if im trying to not let him know im trying to reach him.

'I'm going to need time' He says shortly. I'm about 4 feet from him when i stop, worry rippling through me. I look down. He's in so much pain, and even though he tells me not to blame myself, how am i supposed to feel right now. 

When i look up again, I see his head turned to me, with a single tear trickling down his face.

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