Nya's worst day ever (Nya's POV)

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I asked everyone if they wanted to see a funny video that I made, and they all said no.  I asked Jay if I can eat out with him, and he also said no. I asked everyone if they wanted to play with me and they said no. The only thing I see everyone do is... well sneak up on me and take anything that I like from me. For training, I hear fighting so I joined with the ninja too. Everyone told me to hit my brother, Kai and I kept refusing and then I just did it because, Kai is sometimes annoying anyway. Well, that was a mistake because Kai now hates me, and never wants to do anything today.  When I wasn't looking, Kai threw a fireball at my face and I threw icicles at Kai and he fell on his head not saying anything. I was so mad at myself, I kept throwing water balls at myself. Cole then, had to punch me with out notice, making me more mad then ever so then, I started throwing water balls and icicles at everyone and the only one standing up was Jay. He asked what I was doing, and I told him the reason and he left me alone since he walked away from all this mess. I tried to help everyone up, but they ignored me and walked away. Ugh, today is just not my day! The funny video that I was gonna show everyone, is a picture to make everyone laugh, and feel happy, and now... this is really a big mess. Especially with Kai.  Everyone threw their elemental powers at me and I only got hit by an energy ball, and a ice ball. The rest, I kept dodging and attacking. Everyone told me to stay away from them and I started crying.  I didn't even have lunch this afternoon, just sitting on one of the monastery steps, thinking how terrible I am.  When I went to bed would everyone hit me in the head, or steal my blanket?! I just felt like I couldn't do it anymore. I started watering some plants to fell better. But it made me feel worst when a skunk appeared and when I sniffed, I almost gagged. Everyone put a prank on me! Everyone started laughing so hard, they fell on the floor. Wait, the hold time, they were just joking! I ran out and slept in the woods all alone, in the darkness...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2020 ⏰

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