Chapter 2 - Day 1 Of Walmart

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After a hard and long week of training..

Rise and shine!

The Chipmunks woke up and the sun was shining bright once again. It was 6:01 and the alarm just blared. He sat on his bed, looking out the window. He had many things in store that he could do.

"We have to get to the store early," Simon told his brothers.

Then Alvin and Theodore just remembered. "Walmart!" Alvin and Theodore said in unison. They got downstairs, quickly gobbled up breakfast, and checked the news. Then, the Chipettes came in, and looked brightly dressed.

"You guys look great today," Alvin told the Chipettes. They sat and watched the news. The Mr Weatherman was talking about how the sun was shining oh so bright this morning, but clouds will come in later on.

3 days ago, a company called the Bender Brothers that sells hamburgers and french fries donated 2 small scooters to the chipmunks and Chipettes. Alvin drives a regular one, and Brittany drives a pink one so they could tell the difference.

Jeanette lost her glasses in the house before they went off. Brittany had to reapply her makeup. This is why they tried to rush off to go to work and arrive the same time as the Chipmunks.

While Alvin was driving the scooter, he heard Theodore purr.

"purrrr," He purred like a cat, impersonating the cat in front of them.

"Look, it's a cat," Alvin says to Simon. Simon looks. Once Alvin drives more near, the cat runs off to the grass where he is safe.

"Welcome to Walmart!" Management told us. "You get to work unrealistically from 9:00 to 5:00. You get bowties. I will lead the boys to their stations and our lovely employee named Jack will take the girls."

As Alvin, Simon, and Theodore were led to their stations, the first 3 cashiers, the Management talked about how the Chipmunks can't mess up or you'll get fired or moved INSTANTLY. He taught them to pick up items on the floor if they fell, and to work awesomely. The Chipmunks saw that Eleanor was the greeter due to her being at the door, giving out stickers too.

"Do you guys know when our first customer will come?" Alvin asked Simon and Theodore.

"Look at the clock," Theodore told Alvin.

But Alvin commented, "I'm not that good at reading time."

So Simon read the clock. "It says it is 9:23. Oh look, our first customer is coming in." Alvin, Simon, and Theodore watched more customers come in.

Alvin asked, "Do you know where Br- Oh nevermind, I see her." Alvin spotted a small pink outfit that looked like Brittany's at the deli.

"Poor Brittany, she's going to hate the cheese," Simon told Alvin. "We're lucky that the Chipettes are also near us."

"But what about Jeanette?" Theodore asked.

Alvin answered, "She's hidden in the clothes section where the jewelry is."

"That will cost $4.88," Alvin told the customer. There was a long lineup at Alvin's line due to him being the most popular chipmunk.. The Customer gave him $10.00. So, what did he have to do? He got out $6.25 and gave it to the customer. 9 other customers also got their change wrong by Alvin. Alvin watched Simon and realized about that. "Um, Theodore, you can't use pennies as change," Alvin told Theodore.

"Oh, I forgot," Theodore said back to Alvin. So Theodore started giving 5 cents more to the customers instead of actually rounding. Alvin could see Brittany struggling to cut the cheese and meat and felt sorry for her. None of us could cut the cheese by ourselves. Eleanor was just sweeping around and washing the windows due to the lack of customers.

Jeanette was at her station, and one person looked really happy and decided to buy jewelry for "his mom." "Pay in advance or you won't get it," Jeanette told the guy. Then, Jeanette noticed a really nasty grin on his face. That doesn't look like a good sign, thought Jeanette. Jeanette counted the money but it wasn't enough. "This isn't enough money for the earrings. It's more than 50 dollars," Jeanette scolded. "So give the money, or you're not getting the earrings!" The person started banging on the glass, and with all his strength, it opened. He ran off with 4 pairs of earrings. Jeanette was trying her best to keep up with the robber. "Stop!" Jeanette shouted, loud enough for almost the whole store to hear.. Security was surrounding the person who stole the 4 pairs of earrings.

"Uh, did you guys hear Jeanette?" asked Simon. "I hope she's okay."

"I heard Jeanette too," Theodore joined in. But Alvin was too busy with a customer to even hear our conversation.

"You aren't giving the right cost for that item!" Simon could hear Alvin shouting to the customer. Wow, Alvin sure is mad right now, Theodore thought. Soon enough, it was time for them to go, so lines 1, 2, and 3 closed until someone came in. The Chipmunks rode off back to their home. While they were riding the scooter near the McDonalds,

Theodore wondered why they didn't get lunch breaks. "Since we don't get lunch breaks, I'm hungry."

Once they got home, they found themselves locked out. "What do we do?" Theodore asked Simon, panicked.

So then Simon thought for a while. There was no Chipmunk Door on the door yet, and Dave had no time before he sprained his leg to make one. "Oh, we can go through the mail slot," Simon told Theodore and Alvin.

So Alvin, Simon, and Theodore got on top of each other and Alvin went flat as a pancake so he could enter the mail slot. Alvin shouted, "So long suckers!" and locked the door and put a piece of wood to block the mail slot.

"Don't worry, we can go through the back door," Simon reminded Theodore. So they climbed up the fence. And got in. Oh, I forgot about that, Alvin thought.

Suddenly, the phone rang. It was Dave. "Hi guys," He said over the telephone line.

"DAVE!!!!!!!!" Alvin answered. "We're going to learn about money with Simon."

"We are?" Simon asked.

Then Alvin whispered, "Shhh, Simon."

After their long talk on the phone and after their dinner, Simon taught them how to round. "Here is an item that is $6.32. If the digit is under 3, then you turn it into $6.30, like in this case." Simon taught Alvin and Theodore. "If it's over 3, the cost turns into $6.35. It's the same with 5 to 10."

Theodore was confused. "What's a digit?" Theodore asked Simon.

Simon replied, "A digit is a number 1 through 9."

After that, they go to bed at 6:23. There was nothing to do at the time. 

Alvin and the Chipmunks Go To WalmartWhere stories live. Discover now