Where were we?

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We ended on when I said about David trying the Mulberries. That was in 2017 and that season compared to 2020 was mediocre of a season. The most reasonable reason there is a prolific year this year is QUARANTINE. Quarantine kept people inside, therefore, less people were out, and less of the Mulberries were picked by other people. Therefore, I got to them before everyone else did so I managed to get an extreme haul in a 24 hour period. Yesterday and today combined I got 11 cups of these berries that in the last book I said are anti cancer fruits. They also by the way keep you looking young as well. Also in the last chapter I said "I love him, but David said they were okay" and I am here to tell you that I am NOT gay and that was a mistyped word. What I meant to type was "I love them (mulberries), but David said they were okay". Now that we have gotten that mistype that may have made some of my readers think I am gay and the other things I forgot to add along the way along with explaining to why mulberries are very prolific in P.a. this 2020 Mulberry season let's get to some delicious recipes, the first of which is one I invented yesterday. So let's get to some brilliant mulberry dishes that'll make you love mulberries even more than ever. Also, Mulberries have the stained purple sidewalk under them, so if you are looking for a mulberry tree in urban areas the sidewalk's stained color will tell it all.

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