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four days till filming starts

To: ABC Grey's Anatomy
From: Teagan Scott

Hello, I have made a decision on the offer you guys gave me, but I also have a very important question before I fully decide. Could I maybe call someone to discuss it?

Reply To: Teagan Scott
From: ABC Grey's Anatomy

Hi, Teagan! Please call 912-***-**** to talk to our casting director Linda Lowry. Thank you!





Linda Lowry, who do I owe the pleasure
of speaking to?

Hi, Ms. Lowry, this is Teagan Scott.
I was told to give you a call to discuss
a question I have.

Ah, yes. Hi, Teagan. What is your
question? I'm sure I have an answer!

I was told that you guys were hoping for
a multi-season contract.

Yes that is true.

If I accept the offer, do I have to sign it
right away?

No, no. You can film seasom 17 with us
and decided after. There's no need to
rush anything. We do this so you have
the opportunity to get to know where
and who you will be commuting to for
the next few years!

Oh my goodness. That's amazing!

Yes it is. So have you made a decision
or do you still need some time?


No, I've made my decision.


I will be accepting the offer!

Wonderful! We are so excited to
have you on our team! Now would
be able to stop by our office tomorrow
to discuss everything?

Well, actually, I'm currently in South
Carolina. I have to film my scenes
for season two of Outer Banks before
I can leave. I hope that doesn't affect

Oh, not at all! When will you be back
in LA?

My scenes should only take about two
weeks to film. I can be back on June 27th!

Sounds good! I'll keep in touch with
you these next few weeks through this
same number. Thank you for wanting
to be apart of our family!

Of course! And thank you for the
amazing opportunity. Goodbye!

Bye, bye!

call disconnected


Teagan sighed as the call came to and end. She was sitting at the kitchen island in her apartment, which was empty. She hadn't seen Drew since he stormed out two days ago. She was worried sick about him since none of her cast mates said anything about where he was.

She got up from the bar stool and made her way to her bedroom where she would sleep in the bed she was supposed to share with Drew.

Letting out a choked sob, Teagan sat up straight and stared at the blank wall. She was leaving in two weeks, that was two weeks she had left with her boyfriend before five months apart.

And she had no idea where he was at. So she sat in the cold and empty room, alone, crying until three in the morning. She stayed up, waiting for the tall boy to walk through the door. But there was nothing.

Nothing at all.


A/N: brb crying

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