A Racing Mind

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Ambrose's Pov

I walked out of his room, my mind was racing. I was replaying what happened today in my head over and over. As I got to my room, I slammed my door and punched my wall until my knuckles bled. "First fucking assignment! FUCKING GREAT you killed a girl today Ambrose! You murdered someone. Now it's time to man up and not let these mother fuckers bitch you," I spoke to myself as i wrapped up my hand. I spent the rest of my night working out and practicing shooting a gun.

I took on more assignments that night as well. Taking out people, getting information, and making trades. I kept what I was doing that night secret until the next morning. I took my finished assignments to Kian. I threw them on the table. He looked at me shocked but impressed. I was moved up in ranking. I passed his ex-whore Scarlett.

"God damn Ambrose, I didn't know you could work this fast," Kian smirked and Punched my shoulder. "Of course, Anything for you, boss. Got to get things done fast or it ain't gonna get done," I said with my head held high. I walked out of his room and saw Dimitri.

"Did a lot of assignments, I see? Well do you have time to talk, Ambrose?" Dimitri looked at me. I nodded, he took me to his room. As I walked in he shut the door behind him. He gave me a tight hug, as I felt his embrace I broke. I started to sob and hold on to him tightly. "I've...killed so many people last night...I'm trying so hard to get higher...but I can't keep killing Dimitri..." I sobbed and held on to him. He rubbed my back and kissed my forehead softly. "Hey, I'm here for you anytime...Just relax, breathe, you are safe with me I promise. Now, let's lay down, you need some rest" He said to me in a soft calming voice.

I nodded and he laid down in his small bed. I laid next to him or at least tried. He pulled me on top of him and pulled the covers over us. I closed my eyes for the first time in hours, I heard his heartbeat...It was soothing...I was asleep before I knew it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2020 ⏰

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