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Matt drove his motorbike as he went back home from college.

Unfortunately due to his failed attempted to confess at the last year of middle school, he never get a chance to confess.

The last time he saw Tai was graduation at high school and he never saw her again with others but keep in touch.

Everyone departed to their dream jobs and surprising enough, their friends become couples to each others.

Sora is marrying to Joe by the next month, Izzy and Mimi are going out, TK and Kari are still hanging out as friends.

He was about to turn left when he saw a familiar figure walking at the other side of the road.

'Tai?' He thoughts, steering his wheels before drove past through her and stopped. He take off his helmet and stared at her which she stared back with surprised.

"Tai?" He called out. "Is that you?"

"Matt?" She then gasped and smile widely. "Matt! It is you!" She run up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck to hugged him. "I can't believe it!"

His heart soaked with happiness, hugged her back with his arms around her and noted how fit she is in his arms. He buried his face on her neck, almost groaned at her sweet familiar scent.

They pulled away and he found himself staring at her. She's grown even more beautiful and her hair is now on her back.

"It's been awhile," he said.

"It is," she nodded, still smiling.

"Are you going home?" He asked curiously. "I am," she replied. "I am on my way to my apartment."

"Did you eat?"

"No, why?"

"Hop on," he smirked. "I will take you out for dinner." She blushed and shook her head. "Oh no," she try to deny. "I coul-"

"Please?" He take her hand. "It's been so long since we saw each others."


Confession (YamaChi)Where stories live. Discover now