Episode 2 return of the pallet town

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The sun was shining up  the town of Pallet town. The pidgy that were flaying around were chirping as they were the first ones up. Inside the household there was also quiet as there was a single individual still sleeping, but not for long.

Ash and his friends made it to pallet town after they got home of altomare for three months ago.

Ash and his friends visit oak's laboratory for talking.

"You really are an adorable little thing, aren't you?" Oak chuckled at Togepi.

Togepi waved his little arms in the air as he giggled at the old man examining him. After having a good breakfast they all came to the lab, sans Amber who wanted to stay home with Delia and Mr. Mime today. Ash was sure to first greet Mew and Mewtwo, wanting to see how they were enjoying themselves. Mew was flying around the air with a childlike innocence as usual, while Mewtwo preferred to stay by Ash's side the whole time. The psychic pokemon already knows that Amber couldn't come to see him and the other clone pokemon, but didn't seem to mind as he wanted her to recover and overexert herself.

Right now Ash and the others were sitting on the couch, while the pokemon just walked about around the lab. Luxray was by Ash's feet.

"My Togepi is pretty cute, isn't he professor?" Misty had an air of smugness as she said this.

"Why do you sound so smug about it?" Ritchie commented.

Misty gave him a glare, "Oh, quiet!"

Oak gave them a grandfather like chuckle as he gave Togepi back to her, "Yes Misty, your Togepi is indeed very cute, and very healthy. Continue to take very good care of him, okay?"

"Weak humans I'm back!"

And just like that, the once peaceful air suddenly became tense as the gang heard Gary Oak's voice, his footsteps coming in their very direction. Once he showed his face, that smug look was wiped off instantly as he spotted them.

"Oh, so the little squirt finally comes back to pallet town, huh?" Gary Said coldly.

If looks could kill, Gary would be a dead man right about now as everyone, including Ash's pokemon were looking at him with the intent to kill. Sensing the bad tension, Professor Oak decides to play mediator.

"Now, now, all of this tension is unnecessary. The trainers of Pallet Town and Altomare shouldn't be arguing with each other." Oak chided them lightly.

That got Ash's attention, as well as Gary's, "Its just us? What happened to the others?" Despite how some people in this town have treated him over the years, that doesn't mean he wants anything bad to happen.

Gary scoffed, "Just getting ready to conquer the league to take on those pathetic humans."

Misty gave him a glare look, 'Yeah, a criminal like you!'

"Anyway, now that both of you are here, why don't you show me your badge cases? Oh, you too, Ritchie." Oak smiled.

"Right." Ritchie gave him his badge case, along with Ash and Gary. Oak opened all three badge cases and nodded his head in approval, "Hmm, well done. Gary has earned ten badges along the way."

Gary gave both Ash and Ritchie a anger look.

"Very impressive you two," Oak refereed to both Ash and Ritchie, "Earned all eight badges from the eight strongest gyms in Kanto, including Cinnabar."

At hearing this, Gary's eyes widened, "Wait, what?! Cinnabar Island?! What is that?! Tell me little squirt!" He demanded, yelling at Ash.

Pikachu and Luxray growled at him for calling Ash a name, and Ritchie was just itching to hit him if he so much as takes a step towards Ash. Brock, Misty, Zack, Molly, and Tomo were eyeing him.

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