Final Episode the indigo league is over

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This was it.

The final battle that will decide it all.

Pat and Ash were both smiling as they faced each other, not all surprised by this fact as they had a feeling they would face off in the finals. In the stands Ash's friends and family were twitching in their seats. If they were worried about Ritchie's match with Ash, they were nervous for this match up. Both Pat and Ash were tough trainers, and this battle will be intense, they could feel it.

Serena shifted in her seat nervously, "Oh, I'm so nervous and I'm not even the one battling."

"I know how you feel," Misty says to try and comfort her, "There's really no telling how this match will end."

"Yeah, but look at it this way, no matter who wins the Indigo League nothing will change between them." Brock assures them before noticing the referee lift up both flags, "Its starting!"

"This will be a six-on-six battle between Pat and Ash Ketchum! Trainers call out your first pokemon!"

Pat smiled as he called out his pokemon, "Manda, time to battle!"

A Gyarados comes out of Pat's pokeball with a mighty roar, "ROAR (Let us fight)!"

Misty paled as she nearly passed out right then and there, "A Gyarados...why did he have to have a Gyarados...?"

Brock was observing Pat's Gyarados carefully, "Its an impressive Gyarados, just like Ash's."

Molly brought both hands together in prayer, 'I pray big brother wins the tournament.'

Ash could already tell from first glance Pat's Gyarados was a powerhouse, so he'll send out his own, "Charizard, Standby!"

Charizard comes out eager to battle against Pat's Gyarados, "Roar (Don't think I'll be easy to beat)!"

"Gyarados versus Charizard, battle...begin!"

"Manda, use Hyper Beam!"

Manda shoots out a yellow-orange beam from its mouth at Charizard.

"Get in the air to dodge that Hyper Beam!"

Charizard quickly got in the air so to avoid the Hyper Beam attack. Like his trainer, Charizard could sense that Pat was no pushover and that he needed to be careful.

"Use Aqua Tail!"

"Avoid it!"

Manda's tail becomes surrounded in a light blue aura, with water swirling around the tip, and nearly hits Charizard with effective water move.

"This isn't like any other battle these two have had since this tournament began, these two analyze their opponents carefully before making a move. And since they're going up against each other..." Brock says.

Misty nodded, understanding what he was getting at, "That's what those two are doing right now, analyzing each other carefully."

"There's really no telling how this battle will end." Serena said.

"Manda, use Dragon Dance!"

"You too, Charizard!"

Manda flies in the air and dances from side-to-side, increasing its speed and attack power.

Charizard's body becomes surrounded in a red and pink misty aura, and it flies around in the air.

"Dragon Dance increases a pokemon's speed and attack power." Brock explains.

"Manda, use Dragon Pulse!"

"Counter with Dragon Rage!"

Manda fires a multicolored dragon-shaped energy from its mouth at Charizard.

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