Episode 1 Mewtwo's Wrath

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He could remember it clearly.

There was no way he could ever forget.

The true purpose of his existence, and it wasn't just him. There were others, Ambertwo being one of them and someone else who he cannot remember. After he and Ambertwo were created they would link their consciousnesses together and talk that way since they couldn't speak freely the normal way in fear of the scientists recording their conversation and using it to their advantage.

While they were speaking telepathically the two of them came across a certain boy at the same time.

Ash Ketchum.

The first opinion Mewtwo had of him is that...he was different. Unlike the humans who created him, this boy truly cared about Pokémon and went out of his way to make them feel happy and help them recover. A prime example of this is that electric type Luxray who was just a bruised and damaged little Shinx with zero trust in humans. But that trust was soon regained back when the damaged Shinx came into contact with Ash Ketchum who took care of it and cared for it with such love and patience that Mewtwo thought he was dreaming. It wasn't just the young Shinx, the young boy took care of plenty of other Pokémon that came his way and met them once again when he went out on his journey and met new Pokémon on the way. He helped them, protected them, and healed them. This is what prompted him and Ambertwo to watch over him during his childhood, which was unpleasant to say the least. The other humans were cruel to not only him, but those that surrounded him, but the boy wasn't alone. His mother who he assumed was the woman with brown hair that was always in a ponytail was always there by his side as was the elderly man and his other human friends.

But they didn't stay around for long as all three left, but after watching him for some time once more he reunited with the one that turned out to be his cousin and now here they are traveling together. When Ambertwo asked him to bring Ash over to where they were because she wanted him to read her a story as well as tell them about what they are he did so without protest. There was a difference when seeing him in person as to where he was only watching him from afar. Up close he could feel the boy's warm aura that exuded from him and wrapped around him like a warm blanket, but it was different from the warm blanket Ambertwo would put over him when he felt cold. His aura felt warm, safe, and protected.

It was a strange feeling, but not unpleasant.

He closed his eyes as he felt the water droplets from the sky touch his skin. It wasn't long before he escaped that wretched human Giovanni Rocket and his abominable armor that held back his psychic power. But he didn't relish in his freedom for long for as soon as he got back, Ambertwo's condition had suddenly changed and not for the better. The other clone Pokémon were keeping her company while he went outside to think. Ambertwo, his friend would be taken away from him soon unless he does something to prevent that.

Snapping his eyes open he felt a wave of his psychic power surround him as felt anger and fury, remembering what some of scientists back then said about letting her perish for she was not stated to last long unlike him and other cloned Pokémon. The only human who protested this was her so called father. He didn't remember much of his time there with them, but what he does remember is it being destroyed by someone that wasn't him, but it allowed him to escape with Ambertwo and the other cloned Pokémon. While he was sure to keep the fact that she was still alive hidden, he was still used as Giovani Rocket's precious weapon that only he could control.

But he was wrong.

As soon as he sensed Ash's presence near the Viridian City Gym he felt a burst of power like never before and was able to break free from his confinements and escaped. And this time...Giovanni will never find him. But the fact still remains that his psychic power had never felt that powerful before, and it only happened because of Ash.

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