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For a truck passing them by on the road, it's loud horn filling the night air, a relieved sigh emitting from the four of them, Charlotte-Mae resting her head back against the seat, closing her eyes. Jack turned the ignition one more time and the cab finally started, driving onto the road, the engine huffing and puffing.

They eventually drove into a small town and up to a car repair shop, which - in Charlotte-Mae's opinion - looked worse than the cab and extremely cheap. Jack got out of the car, dusting himself off before shutting the door, Seth, Sara and Charlotte-Mae followed and the siblings stood together while the brunette, stayed close to Seth, their hands lacing together once more.

"Hello!" Jack yelled out, "anyone here?" 

"We're closed!" A Hispanic accent rang out through the shop

Jack turned around to a guy lying in a desk chair, seemingly asleep,

"Oh, there you are" Jack said "yeah, I know you guys are closed but we've experienced a little bit of car trouble, so if you could just -"

"We're still closed" he replied tiredly "you should experience car trouble when we're open"

"I'll work on that next time. This time, I really need you to-" Jack tried to continue before being cut off again, this time by Sara

"Jack Bruno" She said to get his attention, causing him to look at her "the only thing that will convince Eddie Cortez to reopen his business will be a significant amount of money"

"Wait a minute" Eddie said to the siblings, standing up, "do I know you?" looking at the three teens

"No. Absolutely not. You don't know them from anywhere" Jack replied quickly

The car shop owner looked suspiciously at the siblings before Jack pulled out the bunch of money that Seth gave to him,

"I'll pay you double" Jack said

"How about triple?" Eddie scoffed

"Done" Jack immediately replied and Eddie's face dropped

"Huh?" He walked around towards the car "what, you get in a fight with a rhinoceros? Poor rhino"

"Poor rhino, I know" Jack said, chuckling along

Seth and Sara joined in and they all laughed for a bit before Jack shook his head at them to shut them up,

"I don't even know where to start with this baby" Eddie said

"Well, you could start by replacing the front shocks and the ty-rods and patch up the radiator and the exhaust and if you have four tires you can fit those too"  Charlotte-Mae replied in one breath

"You got one hour" Jack finished

Eddie just looked at them in bewilderment, the same looks were on Seth and Sara's faces.

Ten minutes later, the four of them walked into a crowded restaurant where country music was playing and people were dancing and eating, and Charlotte-Mae wasn't really a big fan of country music. Sara and Seth stood to look at it for a second before Jack and Charlotte-Mae beckoned them over to a table.

"Have you guys ever been in a restaurant before?" Charlotte-Mae asked "or even seen a restaurant?"

"No, not on our planet, Charlotte-Mae" Sara said, causing her to raise an eyebrow slightly in surprise, the four of them approaching a table

"Go on, sit. Sit down." Jack told them, causing the teens to do as said

They all looked around to see if there was any sign of anything suspicious, Sara suddenly looking at Jack,

"I hope you do not act upon your thought of making a fast breakout through the back door of Ray's, taking Charlotte-Mae with you and escape down Stoney Creek" Sara said "never to look back at us again"

"H-how did you know that?" Jack asked in astonishment

"My sister also possesses the ability of telepathy" Seth explained "she can read the minds of those nearest to her"

"Really?" Jack said, "well, you tell your sister that here on Earth, reading minds: very rude. Don't do that." 

Charlotte-Mae gave him an unimpressed look while the siblings looked at each other in confusion,

"Hey guys," a waitress said as she came up to them with four glasses and placed them on the table, "my name's Tina and I'm gonna be your server" looking at the three teens, "wow. Look at you kids"

"Uh, what-what do you mean look at them? They look like two ordinary, innocent, all American kids" Jack said, talking about Seth and Sara, stuttering slightly

"We are a little filthy aren't we?" Charlotte-Mae said with a smile at Tina

"Yeah, you guys look like you rolled around in a pig pen before dinner" She said, chuckling slightly

"We're kids" she shrugged slightly "we tend to play a little rough sometimes" earning a light chuckle from the waitress

"Evening, Tina" A voice said behind them and Tina looked up while Charlotte-Mae gave Jack a warning look, silently telling him not to jump to conclusions before blurting something out

"Sheriff Antony" Tina said, "your table is waiting for you. I'll send you a few little pies, huh?"

"Sounds good" He said, giving her a nod in agreement and walking off with his men

Tina then turned back to them,

"Now, why don't you three come with me and we'll get you guys cleaned up, huh?" She asked and Charlotte-Mae nodded slightly

"Yes please," she replied

She stood up, signaling both Seth and Sara to follow, Tina leading them into the back where the bathrooms were,

"The ladies is just here and the men's just beside it" Tina informed "will you guys be alright?"

"Yes, thank you" Charlotte-Mae said, giving her a polite smile "we'll be fine"

"Alrighty then" Tina said with a smile, leaving the three teens on their own

The brunette released Seth's hand, opening the ladies bathroom door and both siblings began to follow,

"Seth, no, you go in the other bathroom." Charlotte-Mae said, snickering a little, seeing his confused look "this room is for females only. The other one is for males" tapping the sign of a woman on the door

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