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Jack and Charlotte-Mae ran past where they were standing, making their way upstairs to where the Space Expo was, looking for the siblings,

"Seth! Sara!" We called out but got no reply

"Seth! Seth!" Charlotte-Mae called out

"Sara! Where are you? Sara!" Jack called out

Jack then saw two kids with blonde hair and went up to them,

"Seth, Sara" He said

They turned around but weren't the Seth and Sara we were looking for, Charlotte-Mae shaking her head slightly as she ran once more. But she stopped as an idea formed in her mind, a small smile coming on her lips, suddenly kneeling down and placing her fingertips on the floor. She could feel the vibrations of everyone walking, even while they were speaking, which meant that she needed to block those out in order to detect the right vibrations. Her eyes closed, head lowering slightly, a few of her curly locks falling in front of her face, a slow breath emitting from her lips as the vibrations slowly began to cancel themselves out.

Her eyes snapped open as she looked up, a smile forming on her lips as she stood and ran forward, dodging people as she went and ducking under hanging objects. Charlotte-Mae couldn't help the small sigh that emitted from her as she saw the siblings on the other side of a stage, causing her to walk around it, pushing past people but also keeping her head low so she didn't block the crap they were watching, which was not worth anyone's time in her opinion.

"There you are" Charlotte-Mae said, causing their eyes to snap to her

"Are you all right, Mae?" Seth asked quickly

"Yeah, I fine" she replied "why?"

"Someone was hurting you" he said, anger forming in his eyes "one of the humans?"

Charlotte-Mae furrowed her eyebrows slightly, her hand instinctively going to her arm where the man had grabbed her, causing Seth to look down his own,

". . Did you feel it?" She asked, looking at him

"As if someone was touching me" he replied, his eyes softening as he looked at her ". . . you are my One, Mae. There is a connection between us, allowing us to sense or feel when the other is in danger or in pain. Someone was hurting you"

"I took care of him" Charlotte-Mae assured, watching as he relaxed slightly, giving her a small nod as he laced their hands together once more, causing a smile to form on her lips

"My One" Seth said with a soft smile

"There you guys are" Jack said as he found the three of them

Charlotte-Mae turned her head slightly, a sharp exhale emitting from her, looking at them,

". . We need to get out of here" she said "right now"

"Jack Bruno" Sara suddenly said, causing them to turn to see a tall, black figure step forward onto the stage

Seth immediately wrapped his arm protectively around Charlotte-Mae as Jack wrapped his arms protectively around both of them and Sara. The crowd obviously didn't know what it was, applauding as it raised it's arm, preparing to fire his weapon.

The Siphon

"Sara!" Seth yelled and Sara pointed to the lights, making them swing from the ceiling and knock the Siphon into the screen behind it,

The crowd erupted in cheers and applause, as if it were part of the show,

"Let's go. Let's go!" Jack cried

The four of them pushed through the crowd, getting as far away from the stage as they could, as quickly as they could. Jack opened an exit door, the four of them running through it, out of the Space Expo and down some stairs where they came to another door, which lead them into the lecture hall. Charlotte-Mae let out a slow breath to calm her racing heart as they walked out, doing their best to not attract any unwanted attention. Sara linked her arm with Charlotte-Mae's, Seth's hand never leaving hers as the three of them walked behind Jack, following him through the casino. The siblings felt as Charlotte-Mae's footsteps became hesitant, Jack suddenly stopping in his tracks, pushing the three back slightly.

Three men in black suits were walking where they wanted to go.

"Other way" Jack said to the three "other way"

They ran in another direction, going toward the slot machines, turning corner after corner, not really knowing nor caring where they were going, but just wanting to get away from the government agents who were after them. Seth had a tight hold on Charlotte-Mae's hand as she constantly looked back to see if they were still being followed, even when they were running, the nagging feeling still hadn't gone away. One man suddenly appeared in front of them, a gasp emitting from them as they stopped in their tracks. They turned in another direction, only to see another man, causing Charlotte-Mae to realize that they had been surrounded by the agents, her head turning in every direction. Seth pulled her behind him, wanting to protect her from them, even though they didn't know she was like them.

"Sara" Charlotte-Mae whispered "don't you think some people deserve a win every once in a while?"

She looked at Charlotte-Mae for a moment, a small smile forming on her lips as she nodded slightly, stopping in her tracks and grunting as she threw both her hands to the floor. This caused every slot machine to to hit the jackpot, creating the perfect distraction they needed,

"Go! Go!" Jack cried, causing them to run again "move it, move it!"

"This way!" Charlotte-Mae exclaimed

They ran towards the elevators just as the doors slid open, Alex standing and staring at the jackpot chaos,

"Got to go!" Jack called out, grabbing her and pulling her with them

"What happened to laying low?" She called out over the noise of everyone screaming with joy

"C'mon, who lays low in Vegas?" Charlotte-Mae replied with a smile, the five of them continuing to run

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