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The sheriff had stopped one of the guys as they snuck further away from the entrance, behind people dancing to the country music. Suddenly, in a split second, people in every corner pulled out guns, whether or not they had a black suit on, but the four didn't stop moving. Only when they turned a corner did they stop. One of the people with a gun was blocking the exit, causing them to turn back around but someone was already standing there.

Tina. The waitress.

She put a finger to her lips to tell them to be quiet,

"Follow me" She whispered

They crouched down again and followed her round the back, watching as she opened a door and pointed upwards,

"Up there" She whispered

"Thank you" Sara whispered

"Good luck," Tina whispered back and Sara came into the little room

Tina shut the door, Jack went up the ladder to try and open the hatch but it wouldn't budge, causing him to look down at them,

"It's locked from the outside" he informed "we gotta find another way- hey!" Seth began to climb up

Charlotte-Mae climbed up after Seth, watching as his hand went through the metal trapdoor and felt around before bringing it back in again, lifting the latch and the door popped open. A smile formed on her lips, Seth climbing up through the roof, Charlotte-Mae following, Seth helping her up, giving him a small smile, which caused him to return it. Once Sara and Jack climbed up the ladder, they helped each other across the roof of the restaurant, making sure to keep their footsteps silent so they wouldn't gain any unwanted attention. They jumped from the roof, landing on the roof of an RV, Jack being the first to jump off, catching Sara, helping Seth, who caught Charlotte-Mae, their hands lacing together once more.

Suddenly, a growling noise came from behind them, causing them to turn around to see a huge dog growl and begin barking. Jack stood there and smiled at the dog,

"Hi little fella." He said but the dog suddenly ran straight at him

He put his arms up to protect himself, but stopped when we saw the dog licking Sara's face

"We appreciate your understanding" She said to the animal, then looking at the others "lets go"

She stood straight up and walked away, Seth followed with his hand in Charlotte-Mae's, walking along with him.

They got back to the car shop and the three of them got in the car,

"Eddie!" Jack said "times up, we gotta go!"

"Whoa, hey, but I still got a lot of work to do on it" He protested but the hood of the cab shut as Sara shut her door and Jack got into the drivers side

"Next time we're in town, we'll make an appointment" Jack said, handing him not nearly as much money as he offered him

"You want my card or . . .?" he trailed off

"No" Jack said and started the car

He reversed the cab out of the shop and shot off down the road, toward the exit of the town. But heaps of black SUVs and people dressed in black began to surround them,

"There's too many of them to outrun" Jack said and immediately Sara pointed at one of the SUVs and the engine exploded

She did it again and again, blowing up every engine of the SUVs in the street as we drove past, knocking over heaps of the people trying to stop, Charlotte-Mae released Seth's hand, rotating both of hers so her palms faced the ceiling of the cab, seeing the wind pickup. It grew stronger, a smile forming on Sara's lips as she lifted her hands, two more of the SUVs flipping over, landing upside down.

"Whatever you're doing, keep doing it" Jack said, focusing on the road "say goodbye to Stoney Creek"

But Sara pointed at the brake and the car stopped,

"What?" Jack said in confusion, "no, no, no, no, not now! Not now, come on!" hitting the steering wheel

The door on Sara's side flew open and suddenly, the dog from before came running in and climbed into a comfortable position at Charlotte-Mae's feet in between the seats,

"Sara, are you doing this?" Jack asked, "Sara, I said-" he stopped when he noticed the dog "oh, absolutely not. This junkyard is not going with us. I am done picking up stray passengers. Absolutely-" cut off with gun shots at the cab and he sped off again

The cab drove up a large hill and they made it out of Stoney Creek.

"Those guys back there" Charlotte-Mae said "they were the same ones from the highway, right?"

"Yes" Sara said

"It is vital that you take us to their place of operation" Seth said, leaning forward slightly

"You want me to take you to the guys who are trying to kill you?" Jack asked, earning a nod "let me explain to you how we do things here on earth. When people want you dead. You avoid them. That way you . . stay alive. Make sense?" 

"No one on your planet will stay alive if we do not return to our planet" Seth countered, "and to return to our planet, we need our ship. The men who were trying to kill us have stolen our ship. Make sense?" 

Jack glared at Seth through the rear-view mirror and then turned around to see Seth glaring right back at him,

"Where do you suggest we begin our search?" Sara asked, looking at Jack

"I don't suggest we search at all" Jack replied "I suggest we go back to Vegas and I drop you off right back where you got on. You too" Jack said the last part to the dog, Charlotte-Mae giving him a look

"It's just as I thought" Seth said and I looked back at him, "no human is going to help us Sara. Especially not this human" gesturing to jack

"Hey, easy on the 'human' insult okay, some of my best friends just happened to be human" Jack said "heck, even Mae is human!"

"Well . ." Charlotte-Mae trailed off

"And even if I wanted to help you I wouldn't even know where to start!" he continued "I don't know anything about UFOs or aliens or - "

"Who's doctor Alex Friedman?" Sara asked suddenly

". . She's actually someone who can help" he replied "and for the record, she just happens to be human"

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