Meeting Iris and a trio of idiot's, the dragon trail begins

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Y/n and the others were on the way to the Striaton City, where Y/n and Ash challenge the Striaton gym for their first badge.

While walking down a path, Ash decided to catch a Pokemon. He then saw something black moving in the bushes.

Pulling out his Pokedex, he scanned what he saw.

"Axew, the Tusk Pokemon. Axew marks its territory by making scratch marks on trees with its tusks, which regrow if they fall out." His Pokedex beeped.

"That doesn't look like a Axew." Ash said confused.

"That may be it's trainer." Y/n said. "They aren't normally found around these parts." 

Sure enough, said trainer came out of the bushes. She held up a apple to her large hair, a Axew then popped out of it and grabbed it.

They greeted her after she saw them, they then talked about the "storm" that happened a few hours ago.

"Come on. There's no way Zekrom will just appear like that. You're such a kid." The girl named Iris said to Ash.

"I'm telling you it's true!" He snapped. "They saw it too" He said pointing to the others. They nodded, still remembering the events from a few hours ago clearly.

"Proof it." She challenged.

Before anything else can happen, two mechanical arms appeared and grabbed both Pikachu and Axew and captured them. A annoying laughter could be heard.

Ash knows them as team rocket, a annoying trio of idiots that's been following him for years and never seems to learn.

Before anyone could react, Zekrom came out of his Pokeball on his own with a powerful roar, stunning the trio and Iris.

The Deep black Pokemon used dragon claw to free the captured Pokemon, the female member Jessie sent out a Woobat that used gust to create a dust cloud, when it died down it showed team rocket had escaped.

Zekrom let out a low growl before giving a snort, somehow knowing that they haven't seen the last of them.

The slack jawed Iris and Axew could hardly believe their eyes, one of the two legendary dragon Pokemon was in front of them. Owned by a trainer no less.

"No way....." Was is the only thing Iris could say.

They snapped out of it when Zekrom turn to see the newcomers, a.k.a them.

"It's a honor to meet you Zekrom!" Iris said while bowing. "Ax Axew." Axew said while bowing from her hair. 

"So.. who you end up catching Zekrom anyway Y/n?" Iris asked. She had interrupted them before they reached the part of Y/n battling and catching the deep black Pokemon.

Y/n and Ash told her what had happened on the way to the Professors lab, Coco and Bea added in anything they forgot to mention. 

"Wow Y/n, Zekrom is said to help a hero that sought ideals, you must have a strong ideal for Zekrom to fight by your side." Iris said in awe.

"Maybe it's my ideal to be the best? Y/n said. " Either way, i'm glad to have a powerful friend helping me." He continued while giving  Zekrom a nod. Said Pokemon nodded back, knowing he made the right choice. 

"Even you have Zekrom by your side Y/n, Pikachu and i won't lose that easily!" Ash said with a look of determination. "Pika" Pikachu said in agreement.

Y/n smirked. "I wouldn't have it any other way Ash." Y/n said while holding up a fist to Ash. Ash knowing what Y/n wanted, bumped his fist with his own.

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