Chapter 07 Association

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First of all MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!!!!!! Wohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love the 2 weeks break but apparently I still need to finish some stuff.... TT^TT But anyways, I keep procrastinatin on the new update but finally I did it. Not really sure if it fits the story but I thought I should add some new aspect of the story to make it more believable I guess.
 Something was wrong. Something doesn’t feel right. That feeling is like finding the last missing piece of the puzzle only to realize that it doesn’t fit into the picture, but there is no doubt that the piece belongs in the puzzle. It is like the moment when you know that something doesn’t exist, yet you fear it with all of your heart. Every true Magician can feel this in his bones. And his gut is telling him that it is not a good sign.

Lanoste, the chairman of the Magician’s Association, simply smiled when he felt this odd presence.

“So he finally awakens,” he screamed, half in a mocking manner, and half pleased.

His face was contorted with the fleeting feeling of happiness that one might mistakes him for a mad man. Even his man servant, the so-called Lanoste’s Loyal Dog, backed away one inch.

The quiet room was now dominated by Lanoste’s laughter, until it was unexpectedly interrupted by a loud pang when the door flew open. Even without turning his head, the Loyal Dog knew who he was.

Standing there was a young boy still in his pajama with a crazy bed hair. They are definitely father and son. Although their eyes color might be different, he shared the same crimson hair as his father, but slightly darker. But that defiant attitude and arrogant aura were exactly identical. That boy was Shicmuon, the pride of the Association.

Shicmuon glared at Lanoste. Even without words, his threatening glare is enough to convey his message.

“Sorry Shic,” Lanoste smiled. “I have a new assignment for you.”


To the people read, vote, and like this story thank you very much for your support :D I just hope you won't forget about this just because I didn't update for a while but nevertheless than you for reading this. As an author, it means alot :)

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