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Being in Class 1A isn't all that bad.

Sure, they've had their fair share of villain attacks and been involved in numerous public catastrophes. Not to mention the many, many, many shenanigans that transpire within the class. Everyone has pretty much gotten used to all the chaos, and most of them wouldn't know how to act without it.

Still, everyone needs a break at some point. Especially the girls, who are outnumbered by their eccentric male classmates. Being constantly surrounded by a bunch of rowdy and hormonal teenage boys isn't a situation most young women want to be in. That's why Mina Ashido came up with a way for all of the girls to escape the madness.

Every Sunday and Thursday, all of the girls in Class 1A meet up during the evening around 4:30 p.m. They use this time to rant, gossip, and cry about events that have transpired during the week. Whether it's complaining about Aizawa's harsh training or gushing over one of the boys, all of them cherish their sacred bonding time.

The boys of Class 1A were always a little curious about their female classmate's weekly meet-ups. There were some that felt a little left out(Kaminari), but most just wanted to hear what the girls talked about regarding themselves. Who's her 1A crush? What does she think of me? Basically thoughtless information that could either shatter a teen boy's heart or inflate his ego to dangerously large sizes.

As far as the boys knew, only Sato had ever gotten a peek at their cult-like meeting when they asked him to bake them a batch of red velvet cupcakes on a Sunday evening. When he returned to the common room, most of the boys were bunched together in front of the television, watching some low-budget action film. Iida was up in his dorm studying, Mineta was probably watching porn in his room, and Bakugo... well, everyone knows he pretty much hates wasting his time hanging out with anyone. Especially to watch movies.

Less than a minute after Sato sat down to join the movie-watchers, Kaminari spoke up. "So... did you see anything interesting?" he casually questioned not taking his eyes off of the screen.

"Uh... not really..." Sato nervously replied, glancing at the blond boy for a quick moment. All the boys could hear the uncertainty in his tone, which easily captivated their attention. They kept their eyes on the T.V., but nobody was actually watching anymore

"Come on man, no need to lie to us," Sero placed his hand on the taller boy's knee, continuing to stare the T.V. "We're just curious. Did they swear you to secrecy or something?"

Sato started to sweat. "I mean, no but-"

"It's totally unmanly to keep secrets bro," Kirishima cut him off.

"If you saw or heard something and they didn't ask you to stay quiet, then you have no reason to not tell us," Shoji states, being the first to actually turn and look at Sato. "Unless what you encountered was truly terrifying,"

"Not you too Shoji!" Sato sighed, thinking back to what he saw.

"Sato," Tokoyami chimed in, "Do you think telling us what you saw would have a bad outcome?"

"... I guess not. Fine, I'll tell you." Sato huffed, earning a few whoops and hoots of encouragement.

"Are you sure you should be telling us anything? There's a reason guys aren't included in their meetings," Shoto suddenly spoke up, earning a few confused stares from everyone.

"Come on, aren't you at least a little bit curious?" Kaminari whined.

"No, not really. It's their business," Todoroki shrugged.

"Whatever man. They probably just don't want us there because they talk about us boys~" Sero cooed, causing a couple of the boys to blush.

"Come on Sato, spill!" Kirishima excitedly grinned, showing off his shark-like teeth. Todoroki huffed and stood up.

"I won't be a part of this," he muttered as he walked towards the boy's dorms, his steps a little more aggressive than usual. The rest of the boys watched in mild confusion.

"That was a little strange," Midoriya mumbled. "It's unusual for Todoroki to get upset so easily.."

"Forget about it man, he's probably just tired or something," Kirishima insisted. "Now Sato, tell us everything!"

"I meant what I said earlier, I didn't see anything..." Sato paused. "...that's what's so weird,"

"What do you mean?" Ojiro questioned, a little confused about was the other was implying.

"When I got there, Mina was the one who answered the door,"


"Sato!" Mina happily exclaimed as she cracked open the door to her dorm room. She opened it just enough for her head and shoulder to be visible. "Guys, It's Sato!"

The tall boy heard some shuffling and a muffled 'shhh!' before the rest of the girls appeared behind Mina. "What's up Sato," Jiro waved.

"Mmm, they smell delicious!" Hagakure cheered.

"We really appreciate that you did this for us, Sato," Yaoyarozu smiled, caused a light pink to dust his cheeks.

"Anytime," he smiled, giving them a thumbs up. "Do you want to bring it in the room or-"

"No!" Uraraka practically screamed. "I mean... that's not really necessary," she nervously chuckled.

"I think we can take it from here, ribbit," Tsu added as Mina reached for the container of cupcakes. Sato felt the familiar feeling of suspicion when Uraraka and Jiro glanced at the part of the room he couldn't see a couple of times.

"Alright. I guess... I'll see you guys tomorrow in class..." he waved as he began walking away.

"Thanks again, Sato! You're the man!" Mina hollered one last time before shutting her door completely.


"Maybe Mina just didn't want a boy to look at her room," Ojiro suggested with a shrug. "Some girls like their privacy,"

"No way! Mina always lets us hang out in her room for study sessions or when she wants to practice makeup on us!" Kaminari protested.

"She also seemed rather proud to show off her room design when we first moved in here," Tokoyami mentioned.

"I can't imagine any of the girls being that guarded about letting Sato bring the cupcakes in himself. It does seem a little weird that Uraraka reacted like that," Shoji added.

"If we're being completely honest, Uraraka's too pure to lie. It makes sense that she'd be the one to slip up," Sero inquired.

"Wait a minute," Sato spoke up. "You guys actually think they were hiding something?"

"The story you told was really suspicious. There's no way they aren't hiding something!" Kaminari squawked.

"Even if they are, they're probably hiding it for a reason," Midoriya mumbled. Kaminari just grinned.

"And that's why we're gonna find out!"


ayo, new story even though i constantly procrastinate on updating my other one check ;)

that being said, this story is NOT my top priority
it's going to be less serious and shorter than Freak Of Fate, and this is pretty much for my own entertainment

i hope you enjoy this idea as much as i do<33

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