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By the end of Monday, Todoroki knew something was up.

At first, it was just small things. Midoirya's ramblings were a little more frequent, and he seemed strangely nervous when speaking to him or any of the girls. Many of the boys were very obviously avoiding having any conversations with him, even the ones he didn't usually talk to. He knew for sure that something was going on when he saw Kaminari, Sero, and Kirishima whispering to each other at every possible moment.

Todoroki was always pretty good at putting clues together, so coming up with theories was never difficult. He suspected that it had something to do with what the boys were talking about the night before. It was easy to assume that the boys were planning some crazy sha-bang involving the girl's meet-ups, but he didn't have anything to go off of besides his intuition.

The fire and ice user let out a quiet sigh as he ran a hand over his face. He had been thinking about the boy's odd behavior ever since they all got back to the dorms, and it was always hard for him to go to sleep when he had a theory on his mind. He begrudgingly sat up and shuffled out of bed, deciding to make himself a cup fo tea that would hopefully help him relax.

After sliding his slippers on and grabbing his cell phone, he began the short journey to the common area. He decided to take the stairs instead of the elevator in a weak attempt to tire himself out. It was a pretty unnecessary decision, but he was glad he made that choice once he discovered what was going on downstairs.

When he finally reached the bottom of the staircase, he was slightly startled when he heard a few hushed voices. His frowned slightly in confusion and his insticts told him to not let himself be seen as he inched closer. He peered around the corner of the living room, surprised to see most of the Class 1A boys huddling together.

"... wouldn't work! They'd spot us right away!" he heard Kirishima whisper-yell, a few of the boys around him nodding in agreement.

"What if we could find a way to get in there before their meeting started?" Sero suggested, and Todoroki instantly knew what this was about.

"That definitely wouldn't work. There are way too many of us to hide in such a small space," Midoriya mumbled.

"Midoriya's right. I don't think we'll ever pull this off if all of us go," Ojiro thought aloud.

"Okay, so how do we decide who goes?" Sato asked.

"We can decide that once we figure out how we're gonna get to Mina's room in the first place," Sero declared, glancing at the clock on the wall. "We can continue this conversation tomorrow. It's already past midnight and we need to get to sleep. Plus, we still have two more nights to plan,"

"I don't think it's wise to spy on their Thursday meeting," Tokoyami chimed in. "Todoroki seemed to catch on to the fact that something was going on. It makes sense for those of us who aren't very good a lying to avoid conversing with him, but all of us were acting failrly suspicious today. I fear he'll figure out what's going on and try to foil our plans if we act too soon,"

"Okie dokie, Sunday meeting it is!" Kaminari enthusiastically spoke, earning a collective 'shhh' from the rest of them.

Todoroki's eyes widedned. He was pretty much spot on with his theories, and now he knows exactly what their plan is. Usually he wouldn't have been so upset by these kinds of shenanigans. However, this was a massive invasion of privacy for the girls, so he couldn't just stand by. He quietly made his was back to his room, already thinking about what he was gonna do about the whole situation.


On Tuesday, the boys in Class 1A were much less suspicious. The avoiding wasn't as noticable and they weren't turning to whisper to each other every five minutes. Even Midoriya was acting a little more natural. If Todoroki hadn't heard their late night conversation, he might have dismissed his theory all together.

He was unable to stay focused during his morning classes, constantly thinking up different paths he could take to stop their shameful spying. By lunch time, Todoroki had thought up a number of possibilities, but ultimately decided to go through with the most noble option: telling the girls exactly what was going on.

He wasn't exactly sure what the outcome of his choice would be. Maybe the girls would confront the boys directly, or tell one of the teachers. Who knows, they might even take a more violent approach. Todoroki didn't really care, he just felt that the girls should be the first ones to know about the whole thing.

"Woah, Todoroki! What is this about?" Mina asked as she was pratically dragged out of the lunch room. Todoroki had successfully kidnapped the pink girl from her friends without drawing attention to himself. She suddenly let out a gasp, jumping up and down excidedly. "Is this some kind of confession!?"

"Not a chance." he deadpanned, used to the energetic girl's explosive excitment.

"Awe, Todoroki! Why so cold?" she playfully pouted, having expected the blunt answer.

"I have something serious to tell you," he ignored her comment, wanting to get to the point. "It involves you and all of the other girls in our class,"

She let out an annoyed huff. "Has that creepy purple midget been trying ot sneak into the girl's showers again?"

"Probably, but that't not what I was going to tell you," he stared right into her eyes, like he was trying to look into her very soul. "I'm afraid you and the other girls have a much bigger problem,"

"You're so intense Todoroki. I feel like you're about to tell me we're all on some serial killer's hit-list or something," she joked. He blinked, looking to the side with an embarrassed blush.

"Sorry," he mumbled, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's fine sweetie. That's part of what makes you so adorable," she waved him off, her smile growing when his blush grew at the careless comment. "Anyways, if it involves all of the girls, why don't you just tell us all at once at our gossip night on Thursday?" she suggested.

His eyes widended in surprise. "Is that okay? I mean... I thought only the girls were allowed,"

"That's usually how it is but we bend the rules sometimes," she shrugged. "That being said, try to keep this on to down-low, alrighty? It wouldn't be very good if the rest of the boys heard about this and complained about it being unfair,"

Todoroki nodded. "Alright, I'll keep it to myself,"

Mina let out an excited squeal, jumping up to pinch his cheek. "You're too cute! You can just come to my room at 4:30 on Thursday. I'll let the rest of the girls know that you're coming before then!" she enthusiastically waved to him, skipping back into the lunch room.

Todoroki stood there for a moment before letting out a tired sigh. He could already tell that this was about to be a wild ride.


a wild ride indeed

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