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Todoroki spent the entire afternoon pacing around his dorm room.

It's not that he was scared necessarily, but he couldn't help but feel a little nervous. Everyone knew the girls have a pretty close bond, always spending time together at lunch and outside of school hours. Todoroki respected all of them as fellow heroes in training, but he also knew how terrifying they could be if they wanted to.

He ended up outside of Ashido's dorm at 4:27, jittery in a way that made it difficult for him to keep his calm exterior. That's why he stared blankly at Ashido's door until 4:31, raising his fist to knock just as it was aggressively pulled open.

"Oh, Todoroki!" Ashido exclaimed, her pink mouth curving into a friendly smile. She stepped out of her colorful dorm with Asui following close behind. "I'm glad you're here! We were just about to head over to Momo's room."

"Yaoyarozu's room?" Todoroki repeated, confused.

"Usually Mina or Toru host our meetups but we like to switch it up every now and then, ribbit." Asui helpfully explained. The two girls began heading to the elevator, beckoning Todoroki to follow. "Momo's room means tons of beverages and beauty night."

Todoroki nodded as if he knew what a beauty night was, stepping into the elevator after them. He briefly mulled over the fact that if the boys proceeded with their plan tonight, they would have snuck into Mina's dorm only to find an empty room. He could vividly envision the theatric display of defeat Kaminari would have put on soon afterward.

The dual-haired boy quietly walked behind his two classmates, the sound of their casual conversation calming his nerves. He managed to zone out to the sound of their enthusiastic voices and lighthearted laughter. In the blink of an eye, they were standing in front of Yaoyarozu's door.

"Alright Mr. RokiDoki," Ashido whirled around to face him with a sheepish grin. "You're gonna see something in here that's probably gonna surprise you, so don't freak out on us, alright?"

"You haven't told him about that yet?" Asui asked in disbelief. Todoroki watched in mild amusement as Ashido chuckled nervously while Asui sighed. "I guess it'll be fine. You don't really seem like the type to make a big deal out of it, ribbit."

Todoroki frowned. "Why can't you just tell me what it is?"

"Because that would be way less suspenseful," The pink girl claimed, dismissively waving her hand. "And because you probably won't believe us if you don't see it for yourself," Todoroki saw a glimpse of what looked like mischief in her smile before she pushed open the door and stepped into the dorm room.

"Hey, Mina and Tsu! You're later than usual," Hagakure's chipper tone was the first thing that registered in Todoroki's brain.

"Hello, Todoroki. I'm glad you could make it," Yaoyarozu greeted him with a soft smile. Once the door was closed and he was completely in the room, he had to rake his eyes over the scene a few times before he was able to process everything.

There was a lot to unpack here:

1) Immediately after walking in, Ashido made her way over to Jiro and planted a kiss right on her mouth.

2) Bakugo was calmly and casually lounging on Yaoyarozu's bed, looking at his phone.

3) There was an ominous container full of colorful bottles and things that looked vaguely liked masks sitting on the desk chair.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2021 ⏰

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