28: reconciliation

336 19 3

Hirai Momo's...

"Wait, can we talk for a second?" There, I finally had the courage to ask him that. I am going to face this once and for all. You can do this, Momo!

He was left there frozen, standing at the door. I am guessing that he cannot believe that I've just said those words awhile ago. I cannot blame him. If I were him, I would also react like that.

He slowly turned around and walked towards me. The tension between us may be quite heavy but I know for sure that now is the time to know and fix everything. He is now sitting right in front of me. He kept on staring and fidgeting his fingers. I can tell how nervous he is. Awkwardness is devouring the whole room.

All right, Momo. FIGHTING!

I took out a deep breath and started speaking. "I am sorry for being so stubborn to you for the past five days. I..." I tried to blink back my tears because I know that in any second, I'll start crying again. He was alarmed because of my sudden introduction and started looking at me.

Aish, be brave, Momo!!!

I looked at him in the eye and said, "I was too hurt to everything that I've discovered from mom. I was hurt knowing that my doctor is in fact... my father." Before I knew it, my tears statted to fall immensely. But that doesn't stop me to tell him everything the pain that I've been through.

"I grew up not having the presence of my own father. Can you imagine that? For thirteen years, you're not here with us! You will totally understand why I'm acting this way, right? I did not even remember your face or your name! I was too young back then! I was too young to experience this kind of pain! I DID NOT DESERVE THIS!!!" I said and tried to calm down. I am getting carried away because of this. Damn it!!! It hurts so much!

He was just sitting there and quiet at the whole time I was expressing how painful I've been.

"Why, dad? Why did you do that? I already closed my heart. I even did not allow mom to mention you everytime we talk because I don't want any words related to something that reminds me of you!!! I hate it so much, dad!"

I wiped my tears and continued, "Dad. Father. Appa. I finally said those words after so many years. I finally said to you the things that I've been wanting to say. I'm sorry but I am hurting so much."

"I... I just..." I wanted to say something more but he suddenly hugged me. The hug that he's giving me is so tight. It's the kind of hug that makes him want to tell his longingness for me and my mom. Little did I knew that I started crying again and slowly hugged him back.

Oh, Dad...

We were left in that kind of position for about an hour. After that, he cupped my face and started wiping my tears. He spoke, "Aigoo, my aegi. Daddy's here now. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry, my dear."

He slowly let go and sat next to me. "First of all, thank you for giving me the chance to let you hear my side. I've been wanting to talk to you these past few days so I'm happy that you finally let me." He continued, "You know what, you're right. I was selfish back then. I left you and your mom to make one of my dreams come true. I shouldn't have done that."

Now, it's making me more curious. What does he mean? "I don't understand, dad. What are you talking about?"

"I left because South Korea picked me as one of the luckiest doctors to attend conferences from around the world with regards to medicine. It also gave me the opportunity to study more about it. I realized that if I take this, I would be able to provide more for you and your mom. Your mom and I were in contact for five years but eventually lost in since I became busy. In fact, I was worried because I thought that your mom is angry to me. Then, after all these years, we finally met again. I thank the heavens for giving me the chance to get things right, especially to you."

When I heard those words from him, my world suddenly stopped. I realized that I was only thinking of myself. My tears started to fall again and said to him, "Dad, I'm sorry. You're not the one who's selfish. I think that I am. I didn't know..."

"Sweetie, you're not at fault here. I am the one who's supposed to apologize. Everything that you've just said awhile ago is true. I am selfish and I did not think of your feelings." He held my hand and continued, "Let me tell you this one thing. From now on, I promise that I will never leave you and your mom again."

I was left speechless because of the words that he just said. I don't know if I should trust him but my mind and heart wants to tell it otherwise. I'm longing for my dad so much.

I let out my pinky swear and said, "Promise?" He, too, let out his pinky swear and said the same.

Then, we hugged again. This time, it's tighter and I can feel the happiness and relief between us. Finally! I got to reunite with my long lost dad! Heechul's words made me realize that he's right. I should tell and show my parents how much I love them. I should spend my time more with them because you will never know how long you'll have them. Life is short, always choose happiness. It's like what they always say, "Be angry with the thing/s that the person had done to you, not the person itself. Forgive, forget and move on. Always choose love and happiness."

Then, we released from the hug. His stomach suddenly grumbled. Because of that, it made the both of us laugh. Hahaha, seriously? My dad is such a dork!

He scratched his heaf shyly and said, "I better go buy some jokbal, haha. Do you want some?"

Wait, what did he just say?! "Do you also love jokbal as much as I do?!"

"Eh?? It's my favorite Korean food. Are you, too?"


"Aigoo, like father, like daughter. No wonder!!!" He said and raffled my hair. He got up and started to prepare himself. "I better go buy outside then. Wait here, arraseo? I'll buy plenty of jokbal for you!!!" He went to the door and went on his way to buy some.

Yup, he really is my dad. No jokbal, no life. Haha!

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