Chapter 5

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As soon as they finished the dinner, Jennie excuse herself to get some rest. It was a tiring day for her as she had to act happy and smile all the time. It makes Lisa feel awkward to follow Jennie and sleep in the same room although they once shared the bed when she was ten.

Lisa went to the couch and decide to play with her phone until Jeha and Anna excuse themselves to their chamber. Lisa is in deep thoughts, thinking about when should be the right time for her to enter Jennie's room.

"Why are you still here?" asked Anna as she walking to go to the kitchen.

Her plan to get some water for her dry throat was delayed as she sit next to Lisa, wanting to make a small conversation.

"No reason?" answered Lisa.

Anna grinning.

"Shy for the first night? How timid" teased Anna, causing Lisa to turn bright red.

Seeing how red Lisa became, Anna fall into laughter and tap on Lisa's thigh.

"She is probably asleep by now. You should go rest too" said Anna and leave to save her dry throat.

Listening to her mother-in-law's words, Lisa braved herself to step upstairs, heading to her wife's room. Standing at the room's front door, Lisa takes a deep breath and push the knob slowly.

She heaves a sigh of relief as the door is not locked like what she thought it would be. Lisa entered the room and saw Jennie sitting on the bed with her back leaning against the headboard.

"I thought you already sleep" said Lisa while standing still, don't know where to go.

"So you can take advantage of me? Hell no" replied Jennie without looking at her newly wife.

"I wouldn't do something that makes you hate me" said Lisa, honest.

"Unfortunately I already hate you since you agreed to marry me"

Lisa went speechless. Hearing that broke her heart, she did not do anything wrong but was already being hated by her wife.

"Ok. Good night, I'll sleep in my old room" said Lisa, giving in.

As Lisa is about to turn and leave the room, Jennie stops her.

"Wait. You purposely want to do it, aren't you?" asked Jennie.

Lisa was puzzled and turned to face Jennie.

"You want me to get mad by my dad?! We live with them right now! Don't cause any problems for me!" said Jennie furious and stern in a low voice as she do not want her parents to show up in the room.

"I don't want that either. Then, where should I sleep that won't cause you a problem?" asked Lisa nicely.

Jennie let out a sigh and tapped on the bed, the space next to her. She dislikes the idea too but her mother probably will come to check on them and she does not want her mother to find Lisa sleeping on the floor while she is on the comfortable queen-size bed.

Lisa was stunned and slowly walked toward the bed. It is better to not ask for further confirmation or Jennie probably will change her mind. Lisa lay next to Jennie and turn to her right side so she did not have to face her.

Lisa's heart beat fast like formula one. She shut her eyes, hoping she will fall asleep soon.

Jennie who is tired refuses to lay down and decides to watch over Lisa. To make sure Lisa fall asleep before her. Afraid if Lisa did something to her when she was asleep, she does not want to lose her virginity to someone she does not love!

That afternoon after having lunch made by Anna, Jennie and Lisa straight to their new house in Gangnam. A luxury apartment gifted by Jeha for their marriage.

It is requested by Lisa as part of their deal. She wants to change Jennie in her way without being patrolled by Jeha as she knows him too well.

For the first time, Jennie feels happy receiving a gift from her father. She has always been wanting to live far from her parent, but that request has never been approved.

"In time with you" mumbled Lisa as they enter that apartment.

"What?" asked Jennie, not hearing it well.

Lisa was startled and looked at Jennie with a stupid face. She was in thought when she mumbled, she did not expect Jennie would hear what she said.

Jennie found Lisa's face was so annoying with that kind of expression.

"Urgh" Jennie rolled her eyes.

"Clean this all" ordered Jennie while pointing at the boxes.

"I don't want any of these stuff mess or broken. If it happens, you better watch out" Jennie grab her luggage holder.

As she was to move to her room to rest, she remembered something. Jennie stopped and turn to face Lisa once again.

"And don't think I will treat you right, I will make you divorce me real quick. I will make sure you can't stand with me. I will end this hell real nice that I won't lose anything"

After saying what she wants, Jennie leaves immediately before Lisa could say anything that will piss her off like the other night.

Lisa let out a heavy sigh, feeling so sad. She knew this is what she will get after marrying Jennie, she knew that girl too well. But she has to deal with it to fulfill the request.

"I have to be strong. After she becomes the nice Jennie, I'll be free, we both will be free" said Lisa and started to work.

She needs to give time to Jennie to slowly change. Forcing Jennie won't bring any good, it would only create more hatred in Jennie's heart towards her. The progress will be delayed.

Lisa wants it to end sooner.


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