Chapter 27

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Narrator POV

It's a week before Christmas Eve and Louis birthday. Harry is preparing a surprise for Louis and Louis is doing the same for Harry.

In the last couple of months Louis did an audition for the low budget movie and for the movie with Hugh Jackman and got both roles. He already filmed everything for the low budget movie and after new years he starts filming for the movie with Hugh Jackman.

Harry and Louis went on a vacation to England and met the parents and siblings. Their mothers bonded immediately when they met and they both are very happy that their sons found each other.

But with any good relationship there also comes some bad moments like a few fights. The first fight happend over somethings that they were keeping for themselves instead of communicating with each other.


Louis comes home after a stressful day of preparing for his audition for the low budget movie and Harry is already home.

"Haz baby I'm home." He yells

"Hmmm." Was the response he got from Harry

So he went to see where Harry was. He found him lounging around in the living room.

"Baby I'm back from Selena's" he says because that's where he was

"That's great baby." Harry responds

"Is that all you are going to say to me?" Louis asks slightly hurt that he didn't even get a kiss hello because he got home

"What do you want me to do huh?" Harry asks slightly irritated

"Oh I don't know maybe say hi back or give me a kiss or ask me how my day was." He answers getting angry

"I may not have said hi to you but you could also have done all of the others things you just said." Harry answers standing up from the couch

"You know the last couple of days you have been really mean towards me you snap at me for everything what's wrong baby." Louis ask concerned taking a step closer to Harry

"Nothings wrong but I always have to be the one to ask how your days going you never ask me first." Harry says clearly angry about something deeper than that

"You know what I will go out of the house for a bit so we can booth cool off and then when your better send me a text and I will come back and we can talk about this better." Louis says trying to keep in his tears that are fighting to roll down his cheeks

"Yeah I think that is a good idea." Harry agreed with Louis

With that note Louis left the living room and went straight outside to his car and drove away.

Louis picks up his phone and calls the one person he knows will always be there for him.

"Can I come over? Please I need you right now?" He asks trying not to cry

"Yes Lou of course you can. But what happened?"

"Harry and I had our first fight. I will be there in 10." He says and then hangs up

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