I was saved...by a dragon

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I've never thought much of school trips. Most of the places we went weren't amazing. I remember a few years back we went to see a clown show. It was a surprise trip and we didn't know where we were going till we got there. Too bad most of the kids on the trip were scared of clowns. The year after that we saw the world's biggest ball of yarn...enough said right. Today we're going to an archeology site. It sounds like it's gonna be a good trip. The drive was long though. I had my phone, but all my games were online ones, my headphones died last night and I forgot to download stuff to read. I was left to stare out the window. The bus was loud and rowdy, I was hating it. A shadow falls over me and I turn to see Greg towering over me. Oh before i forget im Wesley Greenwood. Anyway back to Greg. Stereotypical bully he was, big and dumb. Messy brown hair, a large assortment of acne and pimples on his face and an orange short that didn't cover his rather beastly belly that said 'Boss man coming ththrough' in red. His green cargo shorts are also a bit too small. "Well if it isn't for eyes," he says. Too dumb to make up anything original. Though I do wear glasses. "Why are you all dressed up, do you work at this place or something?" I buy my own clothes. I don't really wear what most people wear. In this case I'm wearing a blue dress shirt sleeves rolled up with a black waist coat (tucked in I might add) but with black jeans and black wrist bands. Didnt really care about my hair. It has always come down to my ears and i had a fringe the went to the right. In fact i liked to think i looked like Sanji. I ignore Greg yet he persists to pester me. "Aww acts all smart but he can't even speak." His insult brings a wave a laughter from his 'gang' as he calls it. Continuing to ignore him doesn't look like it's making him any happier. He brings his face to mine, "Hey geekwad answer me when I'm speaking to ya," he warns me. While still facing the window I reply "Please get that grotesque thing you call a face away from me? It's making me sick." Oooooohhhh echoes through out the bus. And Greg's is now blood red. I start to feel worried. Not that he would hurt me. I was worried all his pimples would erupt on me like volcanoes. They're the size of volcanoes after all. Just as he grabs a me by the collar the bus stops and the old bald man in a baggy suit called Mr Doode (I know weird name) tells to get off the bus and into the building next to where we parked. Greg releases my collar and exits the bus.

"Alright everyone I'll now put you in groups of four. Feel free to roam around but make to stay in these groups and don't exceed the boundaries," Mr Doode forces himself to shout these instructions. He then moves to assign us to our groups. I am not exactly thrilled with my group but I can handle them. Member 1 Tony Boston but more commonly known as Dash. He was the sports guy in the school. Played basketball football baseball...well that's an interesting pattern. He was black and was extremely tolerant of black jokes from his friends. He commonly wore a basketball jersey, in today's case green and white, black shorts and a white head band over his dreads. Next was Cole Henderson. He is what people might call a 'swag fag'. He's wearing one of those gray sweaters with crosses on it, sagging black skinny jeans and he has a bandana hanging out of his pocket. I'm sure it says swag on it. He has a silver stud in his left eye. And his hair was like an android 17 cosplay. Last but most certainly not least Raven Valencio. I have crushing on her for a long time and today...she's looking amazing. I've always loved her brown pixie cut, especially the purple streak in the fringe. She's in a black tank top blue ripped jeans and a purple jumper tied around her waist. She isn't a girly girl. She's the tough type who doesn't seem to like men. But I like her a lot which sucks. "So are we gonna look around or just stand here?" Dash questions as he leads the way. A look of annoyance falls on Cole's face, "Why the hell are you in charge? What makes you so special?" Cole shoves Dash out of the way and walks ahead. Dash didn't take this lightly and he shoves Cole back. I can already stereotype every on in this group. I was the smart guy, Dash and Cole were the two guys that each other and Raven was the girl who couldn't care less about what we did. Next thing I see is Cole and Dash pushing each other. I guess I'm right. Raven walks right past them when she sees one of her friends. So I sit down and drift into a day dream. Sadly Greg has found me and taken me from my fantasy world. "Found ya four eyes," he says while spitting one my glasses. "Well I'm looking at the troll that lives under the bridge. My find was better," I tell him. His face becomes distorted with rage as he raises a fist. I got beat at school quite a bit. One because I was a nerd and two I used my brains to piss these guys off. They were gonna beat me up no matter what I do so I may as well have fun and irritate them. After that thought everything went black.

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