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Ok. So I'm in an abandoned indoor basketball court, found by Dash, just after being saved by a holographic dragon. Did I accidently spike my dinner or something? "So does anyone else feel like they're high on acid right now?" Cole asks, I wanted to raise my hand in agreement, but an unfamiliar voice cuts me off. "What is this acid the human speaks of?" Soon enough, a white dragon that looks like...mist? Appears from Cole's ring that he has in his hand. "Yup I'm on acid alright," he whispers to himself. Raven smacks him on the back of the head. "Oww!" is all he could manage to say. A purple dragon comes from Raven's ring. This one...I don't know what it looked like it was made of. "I like this girl, she has back bone," says the purple dragon. If I'm right this one sounds female. "Thanks," Raven replies with a giggle. Wow her smile is the kawaiest thing ive ever seen. But soon her face looks angry and confused. "Wait a minute, I'm not thanking a - a dragon that probably doesn't you exist?" Now the blue dragon from my pops up. "Yes we do. Well we did is the more accurate thing to say," he says. Dash is busy looking at a poster on a wall. Why look at a poster, over a transparent talking dragon. But to my surprise he speaks up, "So are you saying that dragons did exist at one point?" Hmph I didn't expect him to ask that. That was my question. It's silent for a while, as if we're all waiting for someone else to talk. It's awkward, so very awkward. Then blue dragon coughs and says, "Umm Avion? Your turn." Oh,so we were all waiting for Avion.....AVION?? "Wait a minute, are you telling me you guys have names?" I had to say something. I never knew they had names for each other. Avion finally shows up with wind around him and says "Of course we do. Can't just call each other dragon 1 and dragon 2." As much as that made sense, I still thought it was weird. Actually I still think all of this is weird. The white dragon says "To avoid confusion I'll a dress our names. As you know the green dragon is Avion. The blue dragon is Rasmier, the purple dragon is Sinsera or Sin for short. And I am Gokido." Something about Gokido's voice annoyed me. Sounded like he felt more important than everyone for what ever reason. He's the perfect friend for Cole. "OK you all have weird names," Cole tells them. "But I don't care about your names. What I wanna know is why you're here?" Heh Cole said something important for once, that's a surprise. But he was right we do wanna know what's going on and the dragons could see it. Rasmier seems to be the one who will tell the tragic story. "Well all the mythology you humans love to read about so much is all true. Centaurs, Medusa and even the Greek gods, they all exist or have existed. We actually live after the dinosaurs. And just like in your legends we were that mightiest creatures that roamed the earth." His voice fades, sounds like the tragic part of the story has arrived. "That was until Deathrow appeared.

A star from space seemed to have lost it's corse and was heading towards earth. We thought nothing of it at the time. By the time it hit the surface it had shrunken a considerable amount. Then the light went out. We thought it was over...we were wrong. A man walked out from where the star had been. His appearance has left my memory, but his red eyes are unforgettable. He grinned...and then a meteor shower started. This was the dragons domain he was in, and he only targeted dragons. In no time at all, only a few of us remained. We thought we had met our end, but then I felt heart being struck by a stone, but it wasn't from Deathrow.

As I fell to the ground I noticed a wizard in our domain and I cursed him before I died. But then I remember waking up, but as this nothing more than a projection. It seemed the wizard had fired these rings that would house our souls while our bodies died. Then you four found us. Now we can get out bodies back." He ends his story. We all take a moment to take in what he said. Looked like everyone was a bit surprised hearing that this Deathrow guy nearly took out all the dragons. The dragons themselves didn't look to happy after hearing about their near death experience. But Raven decides to ask another important question. "So how do you get your bodies back?" Avion takes the pleasure of answering the question. "Well, you see, these projections are made from our energy. But this energy has no physical body. The best way for us to get our bodies back, is by sending our energy in to a dragon's body." Dash raises a hand.

"Umm but your bodies are bones and there are no-"

"You didn't let me finish," Avion glares at Dash before continuing. "Like Dash said, our bodies are useless and there are no more dragons. But there are dragon eggs." The four of us are once again stumped by the words of the dragons. "You find the dragon eggs, and we can transmit our energy into them. Then when they hatch we will be reborn as dragons," Avion finished.  Well this part actually makes sense. But there was one part of this I really didn't like. "You want us to find the eggs right?" I ask and they all nod back to me. "Awwwww hell naw!" Cole speaks as he heads for the door. "I almost got killed cause of you freaky flying lizards. So you can forget about asking me for help." He takes off his ring and prepares a throw. But Raven catches his arm mid swing. "Before we make a decision, do you guys know if Deathrow will come back?" Raven sure knows what questions to ask. She's so smart. The dragons look like they don't want to answer, but Sin speaks up. "We know not if he shall return. In fact he may be here and we don't know it. But we wish to have our lives back. Will you help is please?" Before anyone made a decision I had another question. "If we do help you, will we receive any sort of special powers like fire breathing?"

"No," Rasmier's reply is quick and blunt. Be he carries on talking. "You won't be able to breath fire because none of us are fire dragons. But you will each get your own unique abilities. And now you're gonna be hunted for the rings so you might require our aid." Rasmier would make a great salesperson I realised. He was right we were in danger because of these things. We'll need to learn to fight guys with lasers and who knows what else. I've made a decision and grin like the Joker. "Alright then. When do we start the training?"

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