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Anyway so we get to school and as usual I was hanging out with my friends laughing at lunch with Janel,Emma, TYler, and courtney. TYler wasn't here today and blake was sitting with his other boy group of friends because tyler wasn't here and he didn't wanna look "gay" or make the other guys jealous so it was just me Janel and emma counrtney follows blake around like a lost puppy. Blakey rolls his eyes at us laghin at him before getting up and hearing Courtney say "oh you guys are boring I'm going over there." Even though we all know she likes blake. Except for blakey poor clueless blakey." I say once they walk away . janels says hesss soooo stupiddd i tell you. Emma joins in they would be so cuteeee though. There she goes again....but then its all ruined when Dean pulls up in his mustang late like always. He sits by me and says "hey babe"

with the smell of whiskey on his breath. Sadly this jerk is my boyfriend. Yet another thing in my life I don't understand. He showed up once and my dad liked him so my dad figured it'd be great if we dated and that I needed someone to be there. Whenever he's around my dad he turns into this sweet little innocent prince , and when I try to explain it to my dad he just says I push everyone away and to just do this for him.Everytime he kisses me I want to puke, he is so disgusting!

The three things I don't understand in my life.

#1.) Why my mom left me and my dad, I was only 12 or 13 I really miss her.

#2.),Dean why I'm with him. Oh yeah that's right my dad.

#3.) MY DAD

#4.) DEAN

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