[🍋] Chapter 12: Kinky~

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Her body was all over him as he stood shocked sprawled on the ground. Y/N's smooth hair framed her face, draping like curtains that only allowed him to see her beautiful face.


Embarrassed, she pushed him off, making him knock onto a shelf that flew open after being touched. His eyes widened at what was in the store. Ropes, condoms, and many more fun things. This was when he realized what room it was. It was Oko's special room for pleasure. He sighs, closing his eyes in frustration.

"Y/N, are you al-"

When his eyes fluttered open, she was in such a position of vulnerability. She was on her side, elbow propping her up as the floral yukata she wore rode up her thighs to reveal her smooth skin. Her eyes went south, blushing at the tent that formed.

"H-Hōzuki... e-erm..."

"We shall use this as an opportunity~"

He grabs the ropes form behind, tieing her up tightly. Who knew that he was a master in tying? Her arms were bound behind her back, rope digging around her breasts and nether region. It dug between her folds, causing a wave of red embarrassment to rush to her face. Her legs were tied, ankles touching her butt, making her automatically spread her legs revealing some red lacey panties.

"I already knew you were beautiful but this is on another level of seduction. No wonder Oko said that you shouldn't follow us. You'd definitely distract those perverts."

"T-Then, w-what will you do with me?"

"I'll punish you for being too beautiful."

"H-How is that even a punishment?!"

"It's Hell. Anything is punishable."

Her body was turned around, facing away from him with her butt in the air. Hōzuki tugs onto her panties, pulling them aside so that the rope dug directly onto her skin.








"I wouldn't have guessed you were into spanking... Kinky~"

Y/N bit onto her bottom lip, tears brimming her eyes as she felt his warm palm gently caressing her tingling bottom cheeks. His finger flicks her folds, making her shiver.

"You're already this wet. Are you into rough play?"


"I take that as a yes."

He dug two fingers into her pussy, the rope pushed aside. His digits curled as it thrust in and out of her roughly. She had no hands to block her moans, her voice bouncing off the walls uncontrollably. While his fingers fucked her pussy, his thumb circled her clit. He was getting better at sex, no wonder he was the perfect Hōzuki-sama everyone looked up to. The sight of a dolled up Y/N in this position was a huge turn on for him. His other hand tugged onto her sleeve, pulling her yukata down to reveal her bare breasts. The mounts pushed against the sheets as her body moved with his fingers, nipples hard from touch.

"H-Hahh~ AHn! Ahh! A-Ahh..."

She felt her body cramp up, a cold shiver followed by the feeling of her juices squirting out. She panted heavily against the futon, hips shaking from the orgasm. Then, she felt kisses up her thighs, planting purple hickeys from her ankle up to her thighs. He ripped off the restraints for her legs, seeing that her knees were red from the pressure. One long lick from the bottom of her leg to her inner thigh made her moan softly. Spotting some condoms, he rolled it onto his dick before slowly pushing in.

"Y-Y/N, you're tighter than the first time."


That's because I just came! 

He clenched his teeth as his shaft was feeling the squeeze of her walls. His hips started moving, slowly building up the pace along with the volume of her mewls.

"A-Ahh! Ahn~ Ahh!"

The skin slappings grew louder and her cheeks were stained from her tears of bliss. Hōzuki's hand stroked her skin, feeling it twitch when he caressed her. His dick pounded against her cervix, trying to pry through it to reach into her womb. His body leaned closer to her, his chest against her back as her body rocked from his force. Y/N did not see but his face was full of pleasure, eyes were half-lidded and mouth agape with inaudible groans. She felt his rod twitch and a sudden burst of warmth into her womb. Of course, she did not directly feel the liquid but she felt the warmth. Hōzuki pulled out and remember to discard the condom. His hands untied her ropes and he pulled her into a hug. He buried his face into her chest, mumbling words that made her heart flutter.

"If you dress up like this, I'll lose myself to you."

Her hands wiggled, finally landing on his hair and stroking his smooth straight strands. He found it soothing, eyes slowly closing to enjoy the feeling.

***Time skip after using several condoms and cleaning up***

The door is then kicked open, Oko, and the demons waiting outside for them with red faces. The female's face paled, awaiting for Hōzuki to scold her. However, he just nodded and uttered a soft thank you. The young Onis had blood gushing out of their noses, noticing the bruises that decorated Y/N's ankles. Hōzuki was an Oni of great respect and their respect was going to last for eternity. The next moment, they were back where they started, walking away from crushing hell with a blushing Y/N. Oko would definitely need to catch up with her for some juicy information about Hōzuki. Settling back in his office, a cat comes into his office again with the new release of the magazine.

"Hōzuki-sama! Look! I've made it big again!"

He glared at Koban, eyes squinting as he read the title. Y/N too read it, her eyes starting to water.

"The drama made the magazine the best seller! Could I interview you about your relationship with Mari?"

Hōzuki-sama and Peach Mari?! Another love affair?!

Hōzuki strangled the cat but was suddenly stopped by the sobbing sounds of her. Both he and the cat had wide eyes, stunned by her break down. Coming to her realization,

"I-I'm sorry. I-I don't know what got to me. It's not like Hōzuki's the t-type to cheat."

"Cat. Get the camera ready."

Wiggling out of his grip, it obeyed and took the camera out. The moment Hōzuki grabbed Y/N's hand and their lips collided, the button was pressed and the image was taken. She stopped crying, face flushing.

"You got that, cat?"

"Y-Yes! I-it's going to be a big big scoop!"

"Make it clear that I am only in love with her. Start anymore rumors and I'll come after you."

"Yes, yes!"

The cat runs off and Hōzuki caresses her cheeks.

"You didn't need to cry."

"I'm sorry. I was being emotional. It overcame me because I felt insecure when she was around you... Forgive me, Hōzuki."

He smirked,

"I won't forgive you. I'll save your punishment for another time~"


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