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She awoke but remained still and motionless, opting to happily listen to the song of the earth. Her mask still firmly in place. The birds chirped and the wind whispered causing some leaves to sway and dance while others fell spiralling to the ground. Beside her, Sesshomaru sat already awake and waiting. She thought of calling out to him and asking what he thought of the earth's song, but decided against it. Her voice told too many things about her.

She straightened herself and stood up, Sesshomaru watching as she did so and mimicking her actions. Gin smiled behind her white mask and shook her head, gesturing for him to sit back down.

Unsheathing her swords, she said a single word.


And he did.

Gin watched as the young daiyokai shut his eyes to hear the sounds that surrounded them. A gust of wind suddenly flittered through the treetops and ruffled the leaves. Carrying a strand of her hair from her loose braid. Wings fluttered as birds soared through the forest sky, travelling from tree to tree. It was the forest speaking, and together they heard it. The Song of the Forest. Gin decided to close her eyes and continue listening. The two remaining silent and unmoving for several minutes until Gin was satisfied. She heard the song. Had he?

What did you hear?

Sesshomaru tilted his head thoughtfully, eyes now opened and searching. "I heard the wind guiding the leaves, the birds that glided to and from the trees, and the echoing steps of the wild beasts rushing by."

Nodding in approval, Gin beckoned Sesshomaru to stand and follow.

Curious, he complied.


A stream ran through the woods, effectively severing it into two halves. It's gurgling echoed throughout the forest. In it, were smooth round stones that rested on a bed of sand. Several crayfish swam lazily among the rocks and sunken twigs but were left mostly unnoticed. It was a shallow but still mighty stream with much history. The water stemmed from an icy mountain peak that had begun crying melted tears, tears that formed the stream and would lead home. All streams run home to the ocean.

Knowing this, Gin and subsequently Sesshomaru trailed along side it as they followed its flow. Once, she stopped and asked him again what he heard, and he told her. Satisfied, she continued on. And after much time spent walking, they arrived at a beach.

Once again the masked oni unsheathed his sword and turned to Sesshomaru, telling him.


And he did.

This time hearing the crashing of waves and the howling of the wild ocean breeze. The cries of the black-tailed gulls echoing and circling above along with the splashing of the cool gleaming water. The smell of salt filled the air, carried to him by the playful ocean and fresh wind.

"I hear the ocean waves bouncing, a howling wind that carries salt and sand, and the calling of the seabirds." He told her as her chest swelled with pride.

And though it was soft and hidden by the wind Sesshomaru could have sworn he heard a quiet and gentle,


Though he must have imagined it.


Your senses are your greatest strength. Touch, scent, taste, hearing, and sight are the five basic senses. Each as capable as the other and ever more so at covering the others' weakness. Use them!

His eyes widened at his master's sudden attack.

She swung her katana at him and he hastily dodged, maneuvering around her to strike at her side. She spun around and met his blade midway. Abruptly kicking sand up into the air so the wind would blow it into his eyes. Blinding him. Hissing, Sesshomaru slashed diagonally, forcing her to jump back to avoid it. His eyes were now irritated by sand and incapable of sight, forcing him to quickly adjust.

He searched for her scent and chased it. Cautiously striking and blocking her incoming blades that seemed to never cease.

Gin smirked, pleased at his progress and application of her teachings. Deciding to challenge him further, she reached into her sleeve and pulled out a small glass vial, throwing it towards him and shattering it with her sword. Perfume diffused into the air, releasing a potent but not harmful minty smell that masked her own already weak scent and made Sesshomaru's nose numb.

Growling slightly at the loss of his sense of smell, Sesshomaru strained to listen. His canine ears easily picking up on Gin's footsteps as she circled around him. He lunged at the space just in front of her and smirked in success as he was met with her blade. He pushed on and struck her continuously with his sword. His blade cutting through the air and clanking against hers.

Blinking furiously as his sight returned he paused momentarily to brush the sand away, his eyes widening at the sudden blur in the corner of his vision. He whirled around, though it was too late, freezing at the sight of her blade meeting him at neck-point.

The wind howled.

Sesshomaru's eyes were filled with irritation, acceptance (some sand) and respect as he sheathed his sword. Bowing his head slightly in acknowledgment of his defeat. Behind her mask she grinned. A smile tugged at the corners of his lips. He knew it too. He lasted much longer than the last time. He was improving.

With a satisfied nod, Gin sheathed her katana. Eyes practically sparkling behind her mask as she lay a proud hand on Sesshomaru's shoulder.

Though her words went unsaid Sesshomaru understood.

She was proud.

And though such praises meant little to him, the acknowledgment of his master had a special place in his heart.

He secretly cherished it.

He secretly cherished it

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