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She stood alone in the park, humming absently as she carefully made thin elegant brush strokes across blank canvas. Dipping her brush into her palette, she mixed the vibrant green and tinged it with white, effectively brightening the colour. Blooming in front of her were several magnificent white gardenias. She liked painting flowers and other things like them. She longed to capture the most transitory things in her paintings to immortalize them.

Nothing lasts forever so we must cherish the world's beauty while we can.

A sudden harsh wind swept through the park, violently tearing through the gardenias as white petals scattered in the breeze.

Several of her paintbrushes clattered to the ground but she paid them no mind.

She could only stare at the remains of the flowers when all that remained were the stems. Then, she looked back at her incomplete painting with a frown, her heterochromic eyes narrowing ever so slightly.

Behind her, she heart the faintest whisper saying:

I love you.

But no one was there when she spun around for it was the wind who carried those three words from somewhere far, far away.

Something stirred in her heart...

She wondered why.

"Made it..." Kagome let out a long and tired sigh as she climbed out of the well, her large backpack falling to the ground with a heavy thud.

Emerging from the shed, she glanced up at the sea of stars in the sky and smiled. Be it past or future, the stars were always the same.

Ah, I can't wait for a nice relaxing bubble bath.

Eagerly, she marched to her house, pausing to stare at the odd and clumsily made flower reef hanging on the front door before opening it with a cheerful smile. Carelessly, the reef fell onto the ground as she shut the door behind her, flower petals scattering onto the ground only to be blown away into the night sky.

"Kaa-chan! Sota-chan! Ojii-chan! I'm home!" Kagome announced happily.

"Kagome!" Her family exclaimed respectively from behind a large pile of flowers, "Welcome back!"

A tall wall of vibrantly coloured blossoms separated her from her family. Hundreds of flowers lay stacked on top of each other to form a small mountain. More flowers lay scattered across the floor and on the tables, over drawers and in between books, spilling out everywhere.

She blinked, "Eh?"

Rubbing her eyes at the peculiar sight, she checked again and pinched her cheeks to verify whether or not she were dreaming.

"What's with all the flowers?" Kagome inquired in confusion upon realizing that this was not a dream.

"We're practicing our flower arrangements," Sota explained as he finished braiding a trio of zinnias and violets, "Ojii-san has a friend coming over tomorrow whose granddaughter is an artist and they wanted lots of flowers."

"Yes, that's right." Her grandfather nodded, "My old friend is a florist and she's coming to visit with her granddaughter. We're going to surprise her with a congratulatory party!"

"A congratulatory party?" Kagome repeated, "For what?"

"She just finished art school at the top of her class." Kagome's mother informed her with a smile, "She's a few years older than you and used to go to your high school."

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