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As black smoke billowed from the mountain peak, something deep inside her twisted. A darkness she had only ever seen in her reflection and in her dreams. Faced with such darkness, Gin clutched the hilt of her beloved blade tightly.

That darkness was fear.

"Shall we?" Tōga descended onto the mountain's edge, landing, and laying the warrior's feet down onto the earth.

"We must." She walked past the daiyokai towards the summit. "Or else welcome the beginning of the end."

Courage was not the absence of fear, but the resolve to keep moving forwards despite it.


It happened in an instant.

One moment they were ascending up the mountain path. The next, they were fending off a swarm of a dozen demons.

They came like a pack of starving wolves to a weakened prey, viciously and without hesitation. They moved like lifeless dolls without soul or spirit in their movement.

They were puppets.

They were undead.

It was the So'unga that could raise the dead like so.

No! Gin thought, horror struck. Has Akui broken through the sword's defence? Has he obtained the So'unga?!

Gin snarled, raising both of her blades and thrusting forward. "I have no time to entertain the likes of you!"

She skewered her opponent and slashed up, slicing their monstrous face in half. Then, with momentum, she spun around. Her blades whirling around like a ferocious hurricanes, ripping and tearing all who were caught in their path apart. Her kimono sleeves twirled and spiralled in a way that had there been no demons, would've been a spectacular dance.

Even with the blood of her enemies raining down upon her it was beautiful.

She was dancing.

Tōga slashed another puppet and glanced at the Silverblade out of the corner of his eye.

Even he had to concede that her fighting style was absolutely...


She fought with such a grace and elegance that her swordsmanship wasn't simply that, but also an art form.

This was the warrior whom Sesshomaru loved.

"Gin-sama!" Tōga exclaimed, "I will slay these demons! You go on! I shall join you soon!"

Gin's aura flared.

Cutting down all who were in her path, she ran to the summit.

How many would have to die for the So'unga?

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