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Skip this (too cringingly emotional):

Yeah, I do have budget and I'm so writing this story with a pain in my heart, take it or leave it, me isn't very happy at the moment and that's because I feel like my world might come crumbling and then I've not even realized it. I dread to see tomorrow but do I have a choice, or else I want to die – which I certainly do not want – then I must suck it all up and continue with life, it give its ups and downs at a moment in life right, but trust me mine is coming way too hard on me, I'm still not ready to move on from the first bullshit and then the second is pulling my leg till I am now sure I must be covered in mud by now, but then being the bitch that I am, I give people – family members – that demeanor that I'm so not fazed by my situation, while on the other end, I'm so gone in my bad dreams that I can't decipher reality.

You can start now:

Jeez! This is just my first beginning and I'm already killing you guys with my life history, argh, well on the other side, I would say you are lucky cos this Lucifer in disguise is showing you the real her, how lucky are the wattpaders, sooooooo fuunnnyyy! I know...

Ok, so maybe you came across me and my piece of life by a mistake that is worthwhile, congratulations! Or you may have come across it because you think it's your taste, well again, congratulations!

Wondering why the congrats, well I know for a personal fact that I am a very interesting person, not tryna bluff but then as I am I love to talk fact, before, I am a down write introvert, I still am but it's just a stupid demeanor that makes people act nice and it also works when I don't feel like talking to anyone in particular. But now in school I'm the girl who is stubborn and failed to realise that she is a failing girl figure and can only pass as a tomboy. Yeah I know so therefore...

Enough with the rant of self love and let's get to the main deal here:

Warning before you set off:

1. Do not, I repeat do not read this story if you can't stomach a bad girl behavior, if you are a nerd trust me, this might want to make you change your lifestyle for good, I'm not saying being a nerd is bad, I am a mini one myself but trust me, you would so much want... wait am I giving off my story content already?! Well nerds, DO.NOT.READ. Unless you are ready to know what bitches think of you in my world

2. Do not read if you are below 14, I know kids are literally on Wattpad so please, I wouldn't want your mama or papa telling you I'm destroying you little by little, it's not that bad trust me, but I personally don't allow my sibling or should I say children who are below 14 say any cuss word, though sibling would always remain stubborn, I can still tell though, but if you know you are just as good as I am, feel free, this is your world!

3. Do not read if you hate cliffhangers, you would probably be hanging off the highest peak of Mount Everest if possible, trust me, I'm a sucker for revenge and writers have done that to me enough to know how to return it to my readers.

4. If you don't like my characters, please feel free to tell me, I personally like insulting them myself so why can't you insult them, but then again, I don't stomach bad words being directed to me in person, you can direct it if you know how to construct it though, I'm ultra sensitive, believe me.

This book is so not a coming of age story, it's a story of what is already there already thriving but then as life love shit, it has to be destroyed at one point, so this is a story about heartbreak, bitch, nerd, and the bad boys and good boys, yeah good boys, get ready for your cliff hangers.

This is my first college story actually, I'm so much into high school and business that I find it hard to write college most times but then, I have decided to do this, so wish me all your luck, and do you think I need it.

And must I warn you not to make assumptions, I soooo much love being a bitch that I love to shatter dreams too, just kidding nope definitely not kidding, but you sure can assume, it makes me know who is going to be with who and what is going to happen.

And just in case I forget to update, remind me, I always busy with my books (at least I'm serious with Wattpad stories and a little bit of my school books) that my brain forget some basic things.

Sorry for the long talk, it shows how much of a talker I am.

BTW, this is your fav human being, or not – B2anonymous

Truth to be Told: Life is not itself without a BITCHWhere stories live. Discover now