8- When I want it, Then it's mine

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I would like to notify you that some things may be changing in this chapter; I mean some information about the characters.

Chapter Eight

"Thanks for the compliment, you seem to have a keen likeness in complimenting me right Sam?" he said as he sat down beside me, and guess what, his body heat just seem to get to me more, he is so warm that I could cuddle all night and I could swear I felt a jolt, I mean the kind of electricity jolt when his hand brushed accidentally brushed my shoulder or maybe not a jolt....

Gosh! I need to get my fucking head straight, I can't believe this is happening, JOLT really, and the way he smells too... firstly, I got lost in those set of rare grey eyes, then I want to cuddle and now his scent, I don't know what the heck is happening to me...

Is this me being attracted to something, no someone!

"You may say my mouth has a mind of its own and it always made sure it speaks matter of frankly" I said smiling at him

"So how come we are meeting here of all places" after months of you just disappearing "and also do you go to UCSD? I mean, we met there and it's rare for you to be in a lecture hall if you are not a student so?" if you go to UCSD then why haven't we met since that day?

"Well, yes I go to UCSD an engineering student to be precise; I think that should explain why we aren't really bumping into each other like we did the other day"

Yeah it does, UCSD is too big to have coincidence twice, and even I don't know those people I meet daily in my college not to talk of the whole school. But wait, if he is an engineering student then his college is probably EWC so why is he in Revelle's York Hall

"Aren't you residing in EWC?" the curious me asked

"Yes, isn't it obvious and why did you ask?" of course it was obvious silly, I didn't want to jump into conclusion

"Well what were you doing in the York hall?"

"My girlfriend is a Biochemistry major and I came to pick her up from class, so it was actually because of her we saw each other the last time" he said and I gave him an eye roll

But wait a moment, Biochemistry really, I should really start paying attention to my course mates, it's funny I don't even know them except from those I've been paired with for a certain practical or something else and guess what, I don't remember their names.

"Hopeless romantic, well I didn't know you have a girlfriend" I think I hate the fact that you have a girl friend, "of course I wouldn't know, we've only met once right, wait where are you from?" I asked and he gave me an expression that I would like to read as 'REALLY!'

"What? It's just a process of getting to know a fellow school mate isn't it?" it's not like I'm snooping around looking for information

"I know right?" he said with a smile, contrary to the sarcasm I was expecting "I'm from Nova Scotia here in Canada" hmm, remind me to tell my fellow bitches to plan another coincidence okay!

"Ahh, isn't that cool, right here in Canada" I said smiling

"Can I say something corny?" I asked and he nodded smiling "I think my fate weaved my friend into picking Canada then, it just didn't tell me to be prepared to meet my quite too handsome prince charming"

"Hmm, why my brain does tells me you aren't the type to say such words" he said with an amused face

"Thanks for the compliment really, I feel like eating back those words, never tell anyone I said those stupid words for the sake of my sanity, else it would be questioned" I said faking exhaustion and choke, I really want to eat my words, it sounds stupid to me

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2020 ⏰

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