Chapter Seven - Met you before

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"I always knew it would be a pool party" Beatrice said after the call to Luke who told us to pick a swimming dress if we would be interested and that they would be joining us 20 minutes, too small for us to get ready for a party but then, they would have to wait, it would be their duty

"Well, I just hope it would be fun and I hope I handful catch of good sex body" Natalie said and we all gave he our smiles and smirks

"Well, a good catch is what we are aiming for right?" I said doling up my face with a buzz of deep purple

"Sure" they all chorused and continued with their respective make up.

After delaying the boys for just 10 minutes, we made our ways to the car park

"So let's go and partay?" Ryan asked making her way to the door of the car the guys were standing; I was thinking one of the guys would be driver, looks like they got a chauffer

"Not even a sorry for being late rant" Mike said and we gave him a grimace

"No cos we don't say sorry for things like that guys; looks like you have a lot to learn really" I said directly to him

"Okay, as you say, well let's get to this party; we are going to make an entrance with the lateness we are getting"

"Really, is there lateness at parties, isn't it overnight" Bea asked as we took our seat in his...

"Well not when you are the best friend of the host" Martins said and I just gave a nod, I understand a bit, if Nat or a Bea is hosting a party and I am late, I am so dead

"Well where is David" Nat asked, yeah, her second prey is absent so she is... you can complete the sentence if you want

"He is with the host, having all his friends leave his side when he needs then the most is not a good thing you know" Nick said and again I gave a consent nod, I so understand but guess who is busy making a move on her prey, Bea and Luke looks even more than satisfied with the action really

"How about we talk dirty, I'm kind of in the mood of doing that" I said hoping to make things easier for Bea while doing her job

"That is just good, but I hope you girls won't cringe when we start the dirty work" Luke said giving me just half of his attention well he is busy sharing stares with Bea, well...

"Well, I should be throwing the question to you guys; I hope you won't be like tomato by the time we are done" I said smirking

"Well as evil as that smirk looks, I think you should be able to do a fair job" Mike said looking directly at me and I just widen my smirk and gave him a raised eyebrow

"So what the game then... talk dirty and don't cringe?" I said and their where laughs that shows full interest in the game

"Perfect" Nick said making himself comfortable

The entire ride was just fun, the guys were really good players and to be very honest they knew how to keep the company of crazy girls and they are also good in sex talking which was what we did till we arrived, Nat even gave a sensual moan when she was told show how she express her enjoyment while having sex, it was really fun to hear Mike growly moan, I swear I felt like making him give that sound over and over again, he worth my stress really and I would make sure I take him to bed tonight.

"Here we are" Nick said helping Ry out of the car while Luke helped Bea out of the car and the rest of us got helped by our respective catch, it feel cliché but I could survive some of that shit in my life.

"Wow, I can feel the adrenaline in my vein, girls lets go crash this party" Ryan said leading the way like she know the route

"I think I would say attend the party" Mike said, is he a dummy

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